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<title>Closing an editor</title>
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Closing an editor</h2>
<P CLASS="Para"> Now that there are a couple of editors open, here's how to close
<P CLASS="Para">
Select the JanesFile.txt editor tab.&nbsp;</P>
<p CLASS="Para">
In the text area add a 6th line of text:</p>
<p CLASS="Para">This is a 6th line</p>
<P CLASS="Para"> To close the editor, choose one of the following options:</P>
<p CLASS="Para">
Click the close button (&quot;X&quot;)
<img src="../images/Image19_close_on_tab.png" alt="Editor Tab" border="0">
in the tab of the editor.</p>
<p CLASS="Para"> Select <b>File &gt; Close</b> from the menu bar.</p></li>
<P CLASS="Para"> Note the prompt to save the file before the editor is closed.</P>
<P CLASS="Para"> Click OK to save any changes and close the editor.</P>
<P>If the editor was closed using <b>File &gt; Close</b>, notice that the option
<b>File &gt; Close All</b> was also displayed. This is a quick way to close
all of the open editors. If <b>File &gt; Close All</b> is chosen, a prompt will
appear to choose which editors with unsaved changes should be saved. </P>
<P>The preference to close editors automatically can be found in the
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.Editors)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/">
<b>General &gt; Editors</b></a> preference page. The number of editors that
can be opened prior to editors being reused and what should occur when all editors
have unsaved changes can be configured there.</P>