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<title>Go Into</title>
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<h3> Go Into&nbsp;</h3>
<P CLASS="Para"> The navigation view shows all of the resources in the Workbench.
Select a project or folder, choose to &quot;Go Into it&quot; and hide all other
resources as demonstrated with the JaneQuser project.</P>
<P CLASS="Para"> Select the Navigator view. Its title bar will be highlighted
(according to the operating system's color scheme).</P>
<p CLASS="Para">
Select the JaneQuser project.</p>
<P CLASS="Para">
Choose <b>Go Into</b> from the popup menu.</P>
<p CLASS="Para">The Navigator now shows only the contents of the JaneQuser
project. The title of the Navigator shows the name of the resource that
is currently displayed.</p>
<p CLASS="Para"><img src="../images/Image31_go_into.png" alt="Navigator view" border="0"></p></li>
<P CLASS="Para">The back, forward and up buttons <img src="../images/Image33_into_buttons.png" alt="into buttons" border="0">
can be used to move between showing all resources and showing only the JaneQuser
project. </P>
<P CLASS="Para">Click the back button to show all of the
resources.&nbsp; </P>