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<title>Specifying a repository location</title>
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Specifying a repository location</h3>
<p class="Head">Before it is possible to share the project with other
users an available repository must first be specified.</p>
<li>Open the CVS Repository Exploring perspective. The top left view
shows all of the CVS repositories that are currently being worked with.
As can be seen, the view is empty, meaning a repository still needs to
be specified.<br>
<li>In the context menu of the CVS Repositories view choose <b>New
&gt;&nbsp;Repository Location</b>.
<p> <img border="0"
alt="CVS Repositories view" src="../images/Image82_repo_new.png"></p>
<li>In the CVS Repository Location wizard, the location of the
repository and the login information needs to be filled in. Assistance
from a repository administrator may be required in order to fill in the
necessary information.
<p> <img border="0"
alt="Add CVS Repository dialog" src="../images/Image82_repo_new3.png"></p>
<p class="Para"> In the <b> Host </b> field, type the address of
the host (for example, "").<br>
<p class="Para"> In the <b> Repository path </b> field, type the
path for the repository at the host address (for example,
<p class="Para">In the <b> User </b> field, type the user name
under which to connect.<br>
<p class="Para">In the <b>Password</b> field, type the password.<br>
<p class="Para"> In the <b> Connection type </b> field, select
the type of CVS connection for the repository (The default is pserver).<br>
<p class="Para"> Leave<b> Use Default Port</b> enabled. <br>
<li>By default the <b>Validate Connection on Finish<b> option </b></b>is
checked. <br>
<p class="Para"> Click <b>Finish</b> when done.</p>
<p class="Para"> Since <b>Validate location on finish </b>was
checked,<b> </b>the wizard will now attempt to validate the
information by connecting to the repository. In doing so it may prompt
for a password. <strong>Note: </strong>The repository connection is
only used to validate the information.<br>
<p class="Para">Observe that the CVS Repositories view now shows
the new repository location.</p>
<p class="Para"> <img border="0"
alt="CVS Repositories view" src="../images/Image82_repo_view1.png"></p>