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<title>Synchronize view</title>
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Synchronize view</h3>
<P>The Synchronize view provides a single place where both the changes that have
been made locally, and changes others have made and committed to the repository
can be viewed. In addition to providing a combined <i>local + remote</i> resource
tree, it allows changes to be made in the repository (commit), and allows the
user to access the changes others have made (update). </P>
<P>When looking at the Synchronize view in more detail the first thing to notice
is that the title of the view indicates that the &quot;Outgoing Mode&quot; is
active and the Outgoing Mode button (see A) is pressed in. Changes that have
been made locally can be committed to the repository using Outgoing Mode. By
default, if the Repository is synchronized with and the repository has no changes,
outgoing mode is automatically displayed to allow the user to quickly commit
changes. </P>
<P><img src="../images/Image82_repo_syncview.png" alt="Synchronize - Release Mode" border="0" >
<P CLASS="Para">&nbsp;</P>
<P>In &quot;Outgoing Mode&quot; the top area (#1) shows all of the resources that
need to be committed.
<P>The bottom area (#2 and #3) is the text compare area that was introduced in
the basic tutorial. By double-clicking on a resource in the <b>Structured Compare</b>
list the lower area displays the differences between what is in the Workbench
(#2) versus what is currently in the repository (#3). </P>
<P>Switch between outgoing mode and other synchronization modes with Toolbar buttons
(A). </P>
<p>Merge changes between a file and the repository copy of the file with the lower
toolbar (B).</p>