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<title>Another user making changes</title>
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Another user making changes</h3>
<p class="Para">Now that Fred has the project in his Workbench he needs
to modify several of the files and synchronize with the repository in
order to commit them.</p>
<li>Fred will make changes to file1.txt and file2.txt</li>
<li>Fred will synchronize and commit his outgoing changes to the two files.</li>
<p class="Para">Fred should proceed as follows:</p>
<li>Modify file1.txt as follows
<p>Original contents:</p>
<p><i>This is the contents<br>
of file 1.</i></p>
<p>New contents (changes shown in bold):</p>
<p><i>This is the contents<br>
<b>Fred-update&nbsp; </b><br>
of file 1.</i></p>
<li>Modify file2.txt as follows
<p>Original contents:</p>
<p><i>File2 is a small file<br>
with simple text.</i></p>
<p>New contents (changes shown in bold):</p>
<p><i>File2 is a (<b>Fred was here) </b>small file<br>
with simple text. </i></p>
<li>Observe that the Navigator updates the CVS state of a resource.
that the two files which Fred has changed are preceded by "&gt;".
<p class="Para"><img src="../images/Image83_fred_verson.png" alt="Navigator View">
<li>To commit his changes to the repository Fred can either:
<li>Select the two files and choose <b>Team &gt; Synchronize
with Repository</b> or,</li>
<li>Select the project and choose <b>Team &gt; Synchronize with
<p>Often choosing the project is the easiest thing to do. Let's do
that. Select the project and choose <b>Team &gt; Synchronize with
Repository</b> from its context menu. When you are asked to switch to
the Team Synchronizing perspective select <span
style="font-weight: bold;">Yes</span>.<br>
<img src="../images/Image83_fred_verson2.png">
<li>When the Synchronize View opens Fred can browse the changes he
made and at the end should commit his changes to
file1.txt and file2.txt by selecting JanesTeamProject in the
Synchronize View and from the context menu select <span
style="font-weight: bold;">Commit</span>. You will have to enter a
commit comment before committing the changes.<br>