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<h3> Updating</h3>
<p CLASS="Para"> The Synchronize view will be used to update the local resource
to the latest contents in the repository and to commit any changes.</p>
<p CLASS="Para">&nbsp;</p>
<li>Confirm that the Synchronize view is in Incoming Mode (#1). If it is not
then press the Incoming Mode button on the local toolbar (#2).
<p><img src="../images/Image83_jane5a.png" alt="Incoming mode" border="0" ></p>
<li>Open file1.txt (the incoming change) by double-clicking. The comparison
viewer shows that&nbsp;the repository copy of file1.txt has a new line inserted
<p><img src="../images/Image83_jane4.png" alt="Text Compare" border="0" ></p></li>
<p CLASS="Para"> From the context menu of file1.txt choose <b>Update</b>.
This will cause the Workbench to be updated with the repository copy of
file1.txt. </p>
<li>Select file2.txt. The comparison viewer shows that&nbsp;the repository copy
of file1.txt and the local copy of file1.txt have both had the exact same
line modified.&nbsp;
<p><img src="../images/Image83_jane6a.png" alt="Text Compare" border="0" ></p></li>
<li>If the change seems suspicious, find out some more information about it.
To do this, first figure out who made the change and why.
<p>In the Structure compare pane of the Synchronize view select file2.txt
and choose <b>Show in Resource History</b> from the context menu.</p>
<p><img src="../images/Image84_reshist.png" alt="Resource History" border="0" ></p>
<li>In the Resource History view (see above) there is a * next to version 1.1.
This indicates 1.1 is currently in the Workbench. It also shows that the repository
contains 1.2 of file2.txt.&nbsp;The author of 1.2 is Fred. Looks like it's
time to ask Fred why he was changing file2.txt.&nbsp;
<p>If Fred had entered a meaningful description when releasing his changes,
these descriptions would have appeared in the comment field of the Resource
History view thereby providing some insight into the intent of the change.</p>
<li>The four copy buttons can now be used to help merge in conflicting changes
made to the repository.
<p> For now assume that Fred's change turns out to be the right one.</p>
<p>Select file2.txt and choose <b>Override and Update</b> from the context
menu. When asked to confirm the replacement choose <b>Yes</b>.</p> </li>
<li>The Update mode no longer has any remaining incoming or conflicting changes.&nbsp;
<p>The status bar shows that there is still one remaining outgoing change
to deal with.</p>
<p><img src="../images/Image84_status.png" alt="Status bar" border="0" ></p>