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<title>Versioning a project</title>
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<h3> Versioning a project</h3>
<p class="Para"> Now that the project is complete it is time to version
it. While committing the file resources the repository automatically
assigned them version numbers, or to be more accurate "revision
numbers". As the files were committed the only information supplied was
a commit comment.&nbsp;</p>
<p class="Para">To version a project proceed as follows:</p>
<p class="Para">Select the project <span style="font-weight: bold;">JanesTeamProject</span>.</p>
<li>In one of the navigation views select <b>Team &gt; Tag as Version...</b></li>
<li>When the Tag Resources dialog opens enter the version name A1 and click
<li>Select the CVS Repositories view.</li>
<li>Expand <b>Versions</b>, and <span style="font-weight: bold;">JanesTeamProject</span>.
Observe that under JanesTeamProject there is now a version of this project
whose version number is A1. Looking closely at the contents of folder1 note
that the version numbers of the individual files match the version numbers
in the Workbench.