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<title>Generating the build.xml file</title>
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<h3>Generating the build.xml file</h3>
<P CLASS="Para">Open one of the navigation views and locate your new plug-in project.</P>
<li>Select the file 'plugin.xml' underneath your new project and right-click
<b>PDE Tools &gt; Create Ant Build File</b>.</li>
<li>A new file, 'build.xml' will be created underneath your project.</li>
<li>Open the Ant editor on the build.xml file by double clicking it in one of
the navigation views. Notice that for this file, the Ant editor is the default
editor. This is because by default, there is a file association in the general
preferences associating files named 'build.xml' with the Ant editor. <br>
<img src="../images/Image607_buildxml.png" alt="default build.xml file" border="0" ></li>
<p>The build.xml file is a default Ant buildfile with many targets useful for deploying
your plug-in. For example, there are individual targets to build all necessary
jars for your plug-in, create a .zip file containing everything in your plug-in,
cleanup any .zip files that may have been created and so on. </p>
<p>Now that we have the build.xml file, we will use it to build a .jar file for
our plug-in.</p>