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<H1 CLASS="Head">
<P CLASS="Para"> The following preferences can be changed on the Appearance page.</P>
<table width="80%" border="1">
<td width="19%"><strong>Option</strong></td>
<td width="60%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
<td width="21%"><strong>Default</strong></td>
<td>Editor tab positions </td>
<td>Specify either top or bottom to indicate where you want tabs for stacked
editors to appear.</td>
<td>View tab positions </td>
<td>Specify either top or bottom to indicate where you want tabs for stacked
views to appear.</td>
<td>Perspective switcher positions</td>
<td><P CLASS="Para">Specify the location of the perspective switcher bar</p></td>
<td>Top right</td>
<td>Current presentation</td>
<td>Specify the currently active presentation (look and feel).</td>
<td>Default (current)</td>
<td>Current theme</td>
<td>Specify the currently active theme (color and font set).</td>
<td>Default (current)</td>
<td>Show text on perspective bar</td>
<td>Specify whether labels should be shown in the perspective bar as well
as icons.
<td>Show traditional style tabs</td>
<td>Specify whether traditional (square) tabs should be used in place of the
curved tabs</td>
<td>Enable animations </td>
<td>Enable/disable the feature where views animate to their location when
closed or<br>
<P CLASS="Para">&nbsp;</P>
<P>Here is what the Appearance preferences page looks like:&nbsp;
<P><img src="../images/Image218_pref_app.png" alt="Appearance Preference Page" border="0">