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<title>Ignored Resources</title>
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<H1 CLASS="Head">Team Ignored Resources</H1>
<P CLASS="Intro"> On the <strong>Team&gt;Ignored Resources</strong> preference
page, you can specify file name patterns to exclude from the version control
management system. There is a list of file patterns against which resources
will be matched before they are considered as version control candidates.&nbsp;
These patterns may contain the wildcard characters "*" and "?".&nbsp; This pattern
"*" represents any sequence of zero or more characters.&nbsp; This pattern "?"
represents any one character.&nbsp; For example, you can specify a pattern of
"*~", which would match any temporary files that end with "~".&nbsp;&nbsp; Any
file or directory that matches any one of the patterns will be ignored during&nbsp;
update or commit operations.</p>
<P CLASS="Para"> To add a file type to the ignore list, simply click <strong>Add
Pattern</strong>. In the dialog, enter a file type (e.g. *.class). To remove
a file type from the ignore list, simply select the file type in the ignore
list and click <strong>Remove</strong>.&nbsp;</P>
<P CLASS="Para"> You can temporarily disable ignoring the file pattern by de-selecting
it from the list. You do not have to remove the specified file pattern from
the list to temporarily disable it.</P>
<P>Here is what the Ignored Resources preference page looks like:&nbsp;&nbsp;
<P> </P>
<img src="../images/Image_ignore_pref.png" alt="Ignored Resources Preference Page" border="0">
<P CLASS="Para">&nbsp;</P>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference"
<a href="ref-48a.htm">Ignoring Resources from Version Control</a>