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<P CLASS="Para">The Capabilities preference page allows you to enable or disable
various product components such as Java development and plug-in development. By
default, the page only shows general categories of behavior. If you would like
configure fine-grained capabilities you should use the &quot;Advanced&quot; dialog.</P>
<P CLASS="Para"><strong>Note:</strong> Some capability selections have dependencies
on other capabilities, disabling a required capability while leaving dependant
capabilities enabled will only result in them becoming re-enabled. This is the
case when deselecting Java Development and Core Team Support.</P>
<P CLASS="Para">Here is what the Capabilities preference page looks like: </P>
<p><img src="../images/cap-pref.png" alt="Image of Capabilities Preference page" border="0" ></p>
<P CLASS="Para">The advanced dialog appears as follows:</P>
<p><img src="../images/cap-pref-advanced.png" alt="Image of advanced Capabilities Preference page dialog"></p>
<p>When attempting to enable an action after its capability has been disabled
or has yet to be enabled in the preferences page, the following <strong>Confirm
Enablement </strong>prompt will appear verifying that you do indeed want to
enable the required capability. Click <strong>Details</strong> to display a
description of the capability.</p>
<p><img src="../images/cap-conf.png" alt="Image of Confirm Enablement prompt" border="0" ></p>
<P CLASS="Para"><strong>Note:</strong> This dialog only appears if the
"Prompt when enabling capabilities" preference has not been disabled.</P>