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<title>Accessing and navigating online help</title>
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<h1>Accessing and navigating online help</h1>
<p>The help browser lets you browse, search, and print online documentation
for the product. To open the help browser, select <b>Help &gt; Help Contents</b>
in the Workbench. This opens the help browser to the bookshelf, which shows the
major sets of documentation available.
<p>To navigate online help:
<li>Select the desired link on the bookshelf.</li>
<li>Expand the topic tree to find the information you are looking for. To
view a topic, click the link in the topic tree. </li>
<li>Most topics provide a list of links to related topics at the bottom.
Follow these links to learn more.</li>
<li>Use the <b>Go Forward</b> and <b>Go Back</b> buttons. These behave
the same way back and forward buttons work in an Internet browser, taking
you to topics you have already looked at.</li>
<li>To synchronize the navigation frame with the current topic, click the <b>Refresh / Show Current Topic</b>
button <img src="../images/e_synch_nav.png" alt="Refresh / Show Current Topic button" border="0" > or
<b>Show in Table of Contents</b>
button <img src="../images/e_synch_toc_nav.png" alt="Show in Table of Contents button" border="0" >.
This is helpful if you have followed several links to related topics in several
files, and want to see where the current topic fits into the navigation path.</li>
<p>As an alternative to browsing the information this way, use the
search engine. Type a query into the <b>Search</b> field at the top of the
browser and click <b>Go</b>.
<p>To see context sensitive help from the Workbench put focus on a particular
widget and press F1. For more details, refer to the list of related topics below.
<p>To show documentation about capabilities that are disabled in the application,
select the <b>Show All Topics</b>
button <img src="../images/e_show_all.png" alt="Show All Topics button" border="0" >.
When you choose to show all topics in the table of contents, the headings for documentation
about any disabled activities are shown in the table of contents and also appear in search results.
<h2>Maximizing help views</h2>
<p>To increase the space available for viewing the help content, the frame that
displays content can be maximized. To maximize the frame, click the <b>Maximize</b> button
<img src="../images/e_maximize.png" alt="Maximize button" border="0" >
in the toolbar, or double click the toolbar. To return the frame to its original
size, click the <b>Restore</b> button
<img src="../images/e_restore.png" alt="Restore button" border="0" >
in the toolbar or double click the tool bar again.
Similarly, you can maximize the frame showing navigation, by double clicking
its toolbar.
<h2>Printing online help</h2>
<p>To print a topic from the online help:
<li>Select the topic in the navigation frame.</li>
<li>Click the <b>Print</b> button <img src="../images/printer.png" alt="Print button" border="0" >
in the Help toolbar.</li>
<li>Select the desired printer settings, and click <b>Print</b>.</li>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelc.png" alt="Related concepts" ><br>
<a href="../concepts/chelpsys.htm">Online help system</a>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelt.png" alt="Related tasks" ><br>
<a href="tsearch.htm">Searching online help</a><br>
<a href="tf1help.htm">Accessing context sensitive help</a>