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<title>Replacing a resource with local history</title>
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<H1>Replacing a resource with local history</H1>
<p>To replace a Workbench resource with a state in the local history:
<li>In one of the navigation views, select the resource that you want to replace with
a local history state.</li>
<li>From the resources pop-up menu, select <b>Replace with</b> &gt; <b>Local
History</b>. The Replace from Local History page opens.</li>
<li>Select a state from the <b>Local History</b> list. The Text Compare editor opens.</li>
<li>Click the <b>Select Next Change</b> and <b>Select Previous Change</b> buttons
to browse through the changes made between states in the local history and
the Workbench resource.</li>
<li>Select the state you want to replace, and click <b>Replace</b>.</li>
<P><em>Tip</em>: You can configure your general preferences to specify how many
days to keep files, or how many entries per file you want to keep, or the maximum
file size for files to be kept with the
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.FileStates)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/">
<b>General &gt; Workspace &gt; Local History</b></a> preference page.
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelc.png" alt="Related concepts" ><br>
<a href="../concepts/concepts-17a.htm">Local history</a><br>
<a href="../concepts/concepts-12.htm">Resources</a>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelt.png" alt="Related tasks" ><br>
<a href="tasks-70.htm">Comparing resources with the local history</a><br>
<a href="tasks-87b.htm">Restoring deleted resources from the local history</a><br>
<a href="tasks-88.htm">Setting local history preferences</a>