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<title>Changing how help information is displayed</title>
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<h1>Changing how help information is displayed</h1>
<h2>Help browser</h2>
<p>The help system can be accessed in help view, or separate help window. The
help window may have a form of a simple window with an embedded browser, or
be one of the web browser available on your system.</p>
<p>If embedded web browser is supported on your system, help uses an embedded
help browser to display help, whenever possible. When a
modal window is showing on the screen, that would prevent interacting with
the embedded browser, requesting help opens an external browser. If embedded
browser is used on your system and you prefer to always use external browser,
you may select this behavior in help preferences.</p>
<h2>Context help</h2>
<p>By default, context-sensitive help for workbench elements is displayed in
the help view. Context-sensitive help for dialogs is displayed adjacent to
the dialog,
in a window similar to the help view. If you prefer to display context help
in infopops when working in the workbench, in dialogs or both, change the selection
in the help preference page.</p>
<h2>Displaying topics</h2>
<p>A topic selected in the help view can be displayed in place, in the help view,
or in the editor area. You may indicate suitable way in the help preferences.
On some platforms, with no embedded browser, the topics will always be displayed
in an external browser.</p>
<img border="0" src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference" >
<br><a href="../reference/ref-18.htm">Help preference page</a>