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<title>Customizing Welcome</title>
<h2>Customizing Welcome</h2>
The welcome appearance can be customized via the
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.platform.introCustomization)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/">
<b>General &gt; Welcome</b></a>
preference page. You can use this preference page to select one of the pre-defined
themes, which affects the overall look of the welcome. You can also select which
pages will be displayed, and the visibility, layout, and priority of the items
within each page.
<p align="center">
<img class="screenshot" src="../images/welcome_preference.png" alt="Welcome preferences">
Changing the theme is as simple as selecting the theme from the list and clicking
<b>Apply</b> or <b>OK</b>.
You can change which welcome pages will be visible to the user by checking them
in the list. Each time you select a new page, a new tab will appear allowing you
to customize the contents of the page.
To change the position of an item in a page, open the page's tab, and either drag and
drop the item to its new location or right click and select one of the <b>Move
Up/Down/To</b> options. You can move items around within the same section of
the page or to other sections. To hide an item, simply move it to the
<b>Available Extensions</b> section.
You can change the <b>importance</b> of an item within a page by
clicking on the item's icon. A drop-down list will be available with the options
<i>low</i>, <i>medium</i>, <i>high</i>, <i>new</i>, and <i>callout</i>. The different
levels affect how and how much an item will be emphasized within the page (depending
on the theme):
<li><b>low</b> - The item will not be emphasized.</li>
<li><b>medium</b> - The item will be given some emphasis.</li>
<li><b>high</b> - The item will be strongly emphasized.</li>
<li><b>new</b> - The item is new and will be presented as such.</li>
<li><b>callout</b> - The item is of a different nature, or is special in some way (e.g. a video/animation)</li>
<img border="0" src="../images/ngrelc.png" alt="Related concepts"><br>
<a href="../concepts/cwelcome.htm">Welcome</a><br>