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<title>Debug Launch Variables</title>
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<p align="left">Provides a set of interfaces and classes for choosing and configuring launch variables.</p>
<h2 align="left">Package Specification</h2>
<p>This package provides a set interfaces and classses for choosing a variable,
providing visual components for configuring variables, and tracking selection for
the variable expansion context.</p>
<h3>Variable Components</h3>
<p>Context launch varible providers may specify a component for configuring
the arguments to a variable by defining an <b>IVariableComponent</b>
extension (using the <b>org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchVariableComponents</b>)
extension point). A variable component is defined for a context launch variable.
When the user selects the specified variable in the <b>VariableSelectionDialog</b>,
the component is rendered allowing the user to configure the variable's argument.</p>