blob: de0866ebafdde511f66e2b8fada6bcc9cf63a147 [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Bjorn Freeman-Benson - initial API and implementation
# Pawel Piech - WindRiver Systems - Bug 217211: PDA example debugger does not run on linux
# #
# I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N A N D V A R I A B L E S #
# #
# The push down automata stack (the data stack)
my @stack;
# Load all the code into memory
# The code is stored as an array of strings, each line of
# the source file being one entry in the array.
my $filename = shift;
open INFILE, $filename or die $!;
my @code = <INFILE>;
close INFILE;
my %labels;
sub map_labels {
# A mapping of labels to indicies in the code array
%labels = ( );
my $idx = 0;
while( $idx <= $#code ) {
if( length $code[$idx] > 0 ) {
$code[$idx] =~ /^\s*(.+?)\s*$/;
$code[$idx] = $1;
$labels{$1} = $idx if( $code[$idx] =~ /^:(\S+)/ );
} else {
$code[$idx] = "\n";
$idx ++;
# The stack of stack frames (the control stack)
# Each stack frame is a mapping of variable names to values.
# There are a number of special variable names:
# _pc_ is the current program counter in the frame
# the pc points to the next instruction to be executed
# _func_ is the name of the function in this frame
my @frames;
my $currentframe;
$currentframe = {
_pc_ => 0,
_func_ => 'main'
# The command line argument to start a debug session.
my $debugflag = shift;
# The port to listen for debug commands on
# and the port to send debug events to
my $debugport;
my $debugport2;
# The socket to listen for debug commands on
# and the socket to send debug events on
my $debugsock;
my $debugsock2;
# An input buffer
my $debugbuf;
# Breakpoint array
# breakpoints are stored as a boolean for each line of code
# if the boolean is true, there is a breakpoint on that line
my @breakpoints;
# Mapping of debugger commands to functions that evaluate them
my %debug_commands = (
clear => \&debug_clear_breakpoint,
data => \&debug_data,
drop => \&debug_drop_frame,
eval => \&debug_eval,
eventstop => \&debug_event_stop,
exit => \&debug_exit,
popdata => \&debug_pop,
pushdata => \&debug_push,
resume => \&debug_resume,
set => \&debug_set_breakpoint,
setdata => \&debug_set_data,
setvar => \&debug_set_variable,
stack => \&debug_stack,
step => \&debug_step,
stepreturn => \&debug_step_return,
suspend => \&debug_suspend,
var => \&debug_var,
watch => \&debug_watch
# The run flag is true if the VM is running.
# If the run flag is false, the VM exits the
# next time the main instruction loop runs.
my $run = 1;
# The suspend flag is true if the VM should suspend
# running the program and just listen for debug commands.
my $suspend = 0;
my $started = 1;
$suspend = "client" if( $debugflag );
# The step flag is used to control single-stepping.
# See the implementation of the "step" debug command.
# The stepreturn flag is used to control step-return.
# The eventstops table holds which events cause suspends and which do not.
# The watchpoints table holds watchpoint information.
# variablename_stackframedepth => N
# N = 0 is no watch
# N = 1 is read watch
# N = 2 is write watch
# N = 3 is both, etc.
my $step = 0;
my $stepreturn = 0;
my %eventstops = ( "unimpinstr" => 0,
"nosuchlabel" => 0,
my %watchpoints = ( );
# Mapping of the names of the instructions to the functions that evaluate them
my %instructions = (
add => \&add,
branch_not_zero => \&branch_not_zero,
call => \&call,
dec => \&dec,
dup => \&dup,
halt => \&halt,
output => \&output,
pop => \&ipop,
push => \&ipush,
return => \&ireturn,
var => \&var,
xyzzy => \&internal_end_eval,
# #
# M A I N I N T E R P R E T E R #
# #
# Open a debug session if the command line argument is given.
send_debug_event( "started", 0 );
debug_ui() if( $suspend );
# The main run loop
while( $run ) {
debug_ui() if( $suspend );
my $instruction = fetch_instruction();
if( $$currentframe{_pc_} > $#code ) {
$run = 0;
} elsif( $stepreturn ) {
$instruction = fetch_instruction();
$suspend = "step" if( is_return_instruction($instruction) );
send_debug_event( "terminated", 0 );
sub fetch_instruction {
my $pc = $$currentframe{_pc_};
my $theinstruction = $code[$pc];
return $theinstruction;
sub is_return_instruction {
my $theinstruction = shift;
if( $theinstruction =~ /^:/ ) {
return 0;
} elsif( $theinstruction =~ /^#/ ) {
return 0;
} else {
$theinstruction =~ /^(\S+)\s*(.*)/;
return $1 eq "return";
sub increment_pc {
my $pc = $$currentframe{_pc_};
$$currentframe{_pc_} = $pc;
sub decrement_pc {
my $pc = $$currentframe{_pc_};
$$currentframe{_pc_} = $pc;
sub do_one_instruction {
my $theinstruction = shift;
if( $theinstruction =~ /^:/ ) {
# label
$suspend = "step" if( $step );
} elsif( $theinstruction =~ /^#/ ) {
# comment
} else {
$theinstruction =~ /^(\S+)\s*(.*)/;
my $op = $1;
my $instr = $instructions{$op};
if( $instr ) {
&$instr( $theinstruction, $2 );
$suspend = "step" if( $step );
} else {
send_debug_event( "unimplemented instruction $op", 1 );
if( $eventstops{"unimpinstr"} ) {
$suspend = "event unimpinstr";
# #
# I N S T R U C T I O N S #
# #
sub add {
my $val1 = pop @stack;
my $val2 = pop @stack;
my $val = $val1 + $val2;
push @stack, $val;
sub branch_not_zero {
my $val = pop @stack;
if( $val ) {
my $label = shift;
my $dest = $labels{$label};
if( !defined $dest ) {
send_debug_event( "no such label $label", 1 );
if( $eventstops{"nosuchlabel"} ) {
$suspend = "event nosuchlabel";
push @stack, $val;
} else {
$$currentframe{_pc_} = $dest;
sub call {
my $label = shift;
my $dest = $labels{$label};
if( !defined $dest ) {
send_debug_event( "no such label $label", 1 );
if( $eventstops{"nosuchlabel"} ) {
$suspend = "event nosuchlabel";
} else {
push @frames, $currentframe;
$currentframe = {
_pc_ => $dest,
_func_ => $label
sub dec {
my $val = pop @stack;
push @stack, $val;
sub dup {
my $val = pop @stack;
push @stack, $val;
push @stack, $val;
sub halt {
$run = 0;
sub output {
my $val = pop @stack;
print "$val\n";
sub ipop {
my $arg = shift;
if( $arg =~ /^\$(.*)/ ) {
$$currentframe{$1} = pop @stack;
my $key = "$$currentframe{_func_}\:\:$1";
if( defined $watchpoints{$key} ) {
if( $watchpoints{$key} & 2 ) {
$suspend = "watch write $key";
} else {
pop @stack;
sub ipush {
my $arg = shift;
if( $arg =~ /^\$(.*)/ ) {
my $val = $$currentframe{$1};
push @stack, $val;
my $key = "$$currentframe{_func_}\:\:$1";
if( defined $watchpoints{$key} ) {
if( $watchpoints{$key} & 1 ) {
$suspend = "watch read $key";
} else {
push @stack, $arg;
sub ireturn {
$currentframe = pop @frames;
sub var {
my $name = shift;
$$currentframe{$name} = 0;
# #
# D E B U G G E R I N T E R F A C E #
# #
sub check_for_breakpoint {
if( $debugflag ) {
my $pc = $$currentframe{_pc_};
if( $breakpoints[$pc] ) {
$suspend = "breakpoint $pc" unless $suspend eq "eval";
# For each instruction, we check the debug co-routine for
# control input. If there is input, we process it.
sub yield_to_debug {
if( $debugflag ) {
my $bytes_to_read = 1024;
my $bytes_read = sysread($debugsock, $debugbuf, $bytes_to_read);
if( defined($bytes_read) ) {
#print "read $bytes_to_read\n";
my $rin = '';
my $win = '';
my $ein = '';
vec($rin,fileno($debugsock),1) = 1;
$ein = $rin | $win;
my $debugline = $debugbuf;
while( !($debugline =~ /\n/) ) {
select($rin, undef, undef, undef);
my $bytes_to_read = 1024;
my $bytes_read = sysread($debugsock, $debugbuf, $bytes_to_read);
$debugline .= $debugbuf;
#print "read: $debugline";
$debugline = '';
} else {
# no bytes read
# If the execution is suspended, then we go into the debug
# ui loop, reading and processing instructions.
sub debug_ui {
return unless( $suspend );
my $pc = $$currentframe{_pc_};
if (!$started) {
send_debug_event( "suspended $suspend", 0 );
} else {
$started = 0;
$step = 0;
$stepreturn = 0;
my $rin = '';
my $win = '';
my $ein = '';
vec($rin,fileno($debugsock),1) = 1;
$ein = $rin | $win;
my $debugline = '';
while( $suspend ) {
select($rin, undef, undef, undef);
my $bytes_to_read = 1024;
my $bytes_read = sysread($debugsock, $debugbuf, $bytes_to_read);
$debugline .= $debugbuf;
if( $debugline =~ /\n/ ) {
#print "read: $debugline";
$debugline = '';
send_debug_event( "resumed step", 0 ) if( $step );
send_debug_event( "resumed client", 0 ) unless( $step );
sub process_debug_command {
my $line = shift;
return if( length $line < 2 );
my @words = split /\s/, $line;
my $command = lc($words[0]);
my $dfunc = $debug_commands{$words[0]};
if( $dfunc ) {
&$dfunc( @words );
sub debug_clear_breakpoint {
my $line = shift;
$breakpoints[$line] = 0;
print $debugsock "ok\n";
my @saved_code;
my %saved_labels;
my $saved_pc;
sub debug_eval {
my $code = shift;
my @lines = split /\|/, $code;
my $newpc = scalar @code;
@saved_code = @code;
%saved_labels = %labels;
foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
$line =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
push @code, $line;
push @code, "xyzzy";
$saved_pc = $$currentframe{_pc_};
$$currentframe{_pc_} = $newpc;
print $debugsock "ok\n";
$suspend = 0;
sub internal_end_eval {
my $result = pop @stack;
@code = @saved_code;
%labels = %saved_labels;
$$currentframe{_pc_} = $saved_pc;
send_debug_event( "evalresult $result", 0 );
$suspend = "eval";
sub debug_data {
my $result = '';
foreach my $d ( @stack ) {
$result .= $d . '|';
print $debugsock "$result\n";
sub debug_drop_frame {
print $debugsock "ok\n";
send_debug_event( "resumed drop", 0 );
send_debug_event( "suspended drop", 0 );
sub debug_event_stop {
my $event = shift;
my $bool = shift;
$eventstops{$event} = $bool;
print $debugsock "ok\n";
sub debug_exit {
print $debugsock "ok\n";
send_debug_event( "terminated", 0 );
exit 0;
sub debug_pop {
pop @stack;
print $debugsock "ok\n";
sub debug_push {
my $value = shift;
push @stack, $value;
print $debugsock "ok\n";
sub debug_resume {
$suspend = 0;
print $debugsock "ok\n";
sub debug_set_breakpoint {
my $line = shift;
$breakpoints[$line] = 1;
print $debugsock "ok\n";
sub debug_set_data {
my $offset = shift;
my $value = shift;
$stack[$offset] = $value;
print $debugsock "ok\n";
sub debug_set_variable {
my $sfnumber = shift;
my $var = shift;
my $value = shift;
if( $sfnumber > $#frames ) {
$$currentframe{$var} = $value;
} else {
my $theframe = $frames[$sfnumber];
$$theframe{$var} = $value;
print $debugsock "ok\n";
sub debug_stack {
my $result = '';
foreach my $frame ( @frames ) {
$result .= print_frame($frame);
$result .= '#';
$result .= print_frame($currentframe);
print $debugsock "$result\n";
sub debug_step {
# set suspend to 0 to allow the debug loop to exit back to
# the instruction loop and thus run an instruction. However,
# we want to come back to the debug loop right away, so the
# step flag is set to true which will cause the suspend flag
# to get set to true when we get to the next instruction.
$step = 1;
$suspend = 0;
print $debugsock "ok\n";
sub debug_step_return {
$stepreturn = 1;
$suspend = 0;
print $debugsock "ok\n";
sub debug_suspend {
$suspend = "client";
print $debugsock "ok\n";
sub debug_var {
my $sfnumber = shift;
my $var = shift;
if( $sfnumber > $#frames ) {
print $debugsock "$$currentframe{$var}\n";
} else {
my $theframe = $frames[$sfnumber];
print $debugsock "$$theframe{$var}\n";
sub debug_watch {
my $key = shift;
my $value = shift;
$watchpoints{$key} = $value;
print $debugsock "ok\n";
# Some event has happened so notify the debugger.
# If there is no debugger, we may still want to report the
# event (such as if it is an error).
sub send_debug_event {
my $event = shift;
if( $debugflag ) {
print $debugsock2 "$event\n";
} else {
my $use_stderr = shift;
print "Error: $event\n" if $use_stderr;
# The stack frame output is:
# frame # frame # frame ...
# where each frame is:
# filename | line number | function name | var | var | var | var ...
sub print_frame {
my $frame = shift;
my $result = $filename;
$result .= '|' . $$frame{_pc_};
$result .= '|' . $$frame{_func_};
for my $var ( keys %$frame ) {
$result .= '|' . $var unless( substr($var,0,1) eq '_');
return $result;
sub start_debugger {
if( defined($debugflag) ) {
if( $debugflag eq "-debug" ) {
{ # make STDOUT unbuffered
my $ofh = select STDOUT;
$| = 1;
select $ofh;
$debugflag = 1;
$debugport = shift @ARGV;
$debugport2 = shift @ARGV;
print "-debug $debugport $debugport2\n";
my $mainsock = new IO::Socket::INET (LocalHost => '',
LocalPort => $debugport,
Listen => 1,
Proto => 'tcp',
Reuse => 1,
$debugsock = $mainsock->accept();
# make the socket non-blocking on windows
my $set_it = "1";
my $ioctl_val = 0x80000000 | (4 << 16) | (ord('f') << 8) | 126;
ioctl($debugsock, $ioctl_val, $set_it);
# make the socket non-blocking on linux
my $mainsock2 = new IO::Socket::INET (LocalHost => '',
LocalPort => $debugport2,
Listen => 1,
Proto => 'tcp',
Reuse => 1,
$debugsock2 = $mainsock2->accept();
print "debug connection accepted\n";
} else {
$debugflag = 0;