tree: 201f563b01536e319ebbf63ab0e676526dae5438 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. .classpath
  3. .gitignore
  4. .project
  5. pom.xml


org.eclipse.ui.images provides the a Maven generator of svg images located in the org.eclipse.ui.images plug-in.

org.eclipse.ui.images.renderer plug-in usage

Install the org.eclipse.ui.images.renderer plug-in:

cd org.eclipse.ui.images.renderer mvn clean install

After the renderer plugin is installed, change into the root of the images project:

cd org.eclipse.ui.images

Finally, execute the icon render mojo with:

mvn org.eclipse.ui:org.eclipse.ui.images.renderer:render-icons

This renders all of the svg icons in “eclipse-svg” into the “eclipse-png” folder of the org.eclipse.ui.images project, maintaining the directory structure (i.e. eclipse-svg/icondir will be rendered into org.eclipse.ui.images/eclipse-png/icondir).

Supported runtime arguments (e.g mvn -Declipse.svg.scale=2 ...):

eclipse.svg.scale - an integer that is used to scale output images (e.g. 2 will render a 16x16 svg at 32x32) eclipse.svg.renderthreads - an integer that specifies how many threads to use simultaneously while rendering

Once the icon sets have been rendered, you can create galleries for evaluation and feedback with the gallery mojo:

mvn org.eclipse.ui:org.eclipse.ui.images.renderer:render-galleries

This will create a set of galleries and gif comparisons comprised of the newly rendered icons, located in the target/ output directory.


Eclipse Public License (EPL) v1.0