Eclipse Platform Runtime

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  1. 91006f9 [cleanup] Combine nested 'if' within 'else' block to 'else if' by Karsten Thoms · 3 years, 9 months ago master I20210723-1800 I20210724-1800 I20210725-1800 I20210726-1800 I20210727-1800 I20210728-1800 I20210729-0050 I20210729-1800 Y20210727-0800 Y20210729-0800 Y20210730-0530
  2. 386728f Bug 574883 - wait a bit longer before teardown to avoid test errors by Andrey Loskutov · 3 years ago I20210719-1800 I20210720-1800 I20210721-0530 I20210721-1800 I20210722-1800 Y20210720-0800 Y20210722-0800
  3. 78b33af Bug 574897 - Switch JobManager to nanoTime() and monotonic time by Andrey Loskutov · 3 years ago I20210717-1800 I20210718-1800 Y20210719-0550
  4. b93e8e7 Bug 574667 - Use Jenkins multibranch pipeline based on Jenkinsfile+Gerrit by Mickael Istria · 3 years, 1 month ago I20210707-0600 I20210707-1800 I20210709-0030 I20210710-0000 I20210710-1800 I20210711-1800 I20210712-0240 I20210712-0340 I20210712-1800 I20210713-1800 I20210714-1800 I20210715-1800 I20210715-2200 I20210716-0020 I20210716-1800 S4_21_0_M1 Y20210708-0800 Y20210713-0800 Y20210715-0820 Y20210715-1000 Y20210715-1150
  5. 5f75999 Bug 574322 - Move bundles to Java 11 where needed by Alexander Kurtakov · 3 years, 1 month ago I20210625-1800 I20210626-1800 I20210627-1800 I20210628-1800 I20210629-0210 I20210629-1800 I20210630-1800 I20210701-1800 I20210702-1800 I20210703-0600 I20210703-1800 I20210704-0600 I20210704-1800 I20210705-0600 I20210705-1800 I20210706-0600 I20210706-1800 Y20210629-0800 Y20210630-0230 Y20210630-0410 Y20210701-0800 Y20210706-0800 Y20210706-1050

Contributing to Eclipse Platform runtime project

Thanks for your interest in this project.

Project description:

Platform runtime provides the background componentns for Eclipse based applications.


For more information, refer to the Platform UI wiki page.

How to contribute:

Contributions to Platform UI are most welcome. There are many ways to contribute, from entering high quality bug reports, to contributing code or documentation changes. For a complete guide, see the Platform UI - How to contribute wiki page page on the team wiki.

Test dependencies

Several test plug-ins have a dependency to the Mockito and Hamcrest library. Please install them from the Orbit Download page

Currently the following versions are required:

  • org.hamcrest;bundle-version=“1.3.0”,
  • org.mockito;bundle-version=“2.13”,

How to build on the command line

You need Maven 3.3.1 installed. After this you can run the build via the following command:

mvn clean verify -Pbuild-individual-bundles

Developer resources:

Information regarding source code management, builds, coding standards, and more.

Contributor License Agreement:

Before your contribution can be accepted by the project, you need to create and electronically sign the Eclipse Foundation Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

Search for bugs:

This project uses Bugzilla to track ongoing development and issues.

Create a new bug:

Be sure to search for existing bugs before you create another one. Remember that contributions are always welcome!


Contact the project developers via the project's “dev” list.


Eclipse Public License (EPL) 2.0