blob: 48c95b3387753a4f980ae8d9920cc0834cf6f38f [file] [log] [blame]
<title>Quick Diff</title>
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<h2>Quick Diff</h2>
<p>Since: <br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/05/23 13:19:14 $</p>
<p>Enable CVS quick diff for text and java files via the General >
Editors > Quick Diff preference. Then try the following scenarios:</p>
<li>Open a file and make changes to it. You will see the quickdiff
annotations marking the changes. Next, run Replace With > Latest from
HEAD. The annotations are removed and the file is clean.</li>
<li>Same as 1 but this time instead commit the file. The quickdiff
annotations are removed and the file is clean.</li>
<li>Checkout two copies of the same project. Open file1 from both
projects. Make changes to file1 in project1 and commit the change.
Synchronize project2 and file1 from project1 will show the quickdiff
annotations for the new incoming changes.</li>
<li>Same as previous but this time actually update the file. The
files quickdiff annotations are removed and the file is clean.</li>