blob: 11feb1ce3d474eb95e875d56a52f55a51508dcfc [file] [log] [blame]
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2002.
* All Rights Reserved.
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
* @version 1.0
* @author ${user}
public class SyncElementTest extends EclipseTest {
* Constructor for SyncElementTest.
public SyncElementTest() {
* Constructor for SyncElementTest.
* @param name
public SyncElementTest(String name) {
public static Test suite() {
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(SyncElementTest.class);
return new CVSTestSetup(suite);
//return new CVSTestSetup(new SyncElementTest("testDeletionConflicts"));
* Get the child in the sync tree
protected ILocalSyncElement getChild(ILocalSyncElement tree, IPath path) throws TeamException {
if (path.segmentCount() == 0)
return tree;
ILocalSyncElement[] children = tree.members(DEFAULT_MONITOR);
for (int i=0;i<children.length;i++) {
if (children[i].getName().equals(path.segment(0)))
return getChild(children[i], path.removeFirstSegments(1));
assertTrue("Child " + path.toString() + " does not exist", false);
return null;
* Assert that the specified resources in the tree have the specified sync kind
* Ignore conflict types if they are not specified in the assert statement
public void assertSyncEquals(String message, ILocalSyncElement tree, String[] resources, int[] syncKinds, int granularity) throws TeamException {
assertTrue(resources.length == syncKinds.length);
for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++) {
int conflictTypeMask = 0x1F; // ignore manual and auto merge sync types for now.
int kind = getChild(tree, new Path(resources[i])).getSyncKind(granularity, DEFAULT_MONITOR) & conflictTypeMask;
int kindOther = syncKinds[i] & conflictTypeMask;
assertTrue(message + ": improper sync state for " + resources[i], kind == kindOther);
public void assertSyncEquals(String message, ILocalSyncElement tree, String[] resources, int[] syncKinds) throws TeamException {
assertSyncEquals(message, tree, resources, syncKinds, ILocalSyncElement.GRANULARITY_TIMESTAMP);
* Update the sync info of the resources so they can be committed
public void makeOutgoing(IRemoteSyncElement tree, String[] hierarchy) throws CoreException, TeamException {
for (int i=0;i<hierarchy.length;i++) {
((CVSRemoteSyncElement)getChild(tree, new Path(hierarchy[i]))).makeOutgoing(DEFAULT_MONITOR);
public void makeIncoming(IRemoteSyncElement tree, String[] hierarchy) throws CoreException, TeamException {
for (int i=0;i<hierarchy.length;i++) {
((CVSRemoteSyncElement)getChild(tree, new Path(hierarchy[i]))).makeIncoming(DEFAULT_MONITOR);
public void makeInSync(IRemoteSyncElement tree, String[] hierarchy) throws CoreException, TeamException {
for (int i=0;i<hierarchy.length;i++) {
((CVSRemoteSyncElement)getChild(tree, new Path(hierarchy[i]))).makeInSync(DEFAULT_MONITOR);
* Assert that the named resources have no local resource or sync info
public void assertDeleted(String message, IRemoteSyncElement tree, String[] resources) throws CoreException, TeamException {
for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++) {
try {
getChild(tree, new Path(resources[i]));
assertTrue(message + ": resource " + resources[i] + " still exists in some form", false);
} catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
// The getChild should assert because the child doesn't exists
* Perform a simple test that checks for the different types of incoming changes
public void testIncomingChanges() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
// Create a test project
IProject project = createProject("testIncomingChanges", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt"});
// Checkout and modify a copy
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
IFile file = copy.getFile("folder1/a.txt");
JUnitTestCase.waitMsec(1500); // Wait so that timestamp of modified file differs from original
file.setContents(getRandomContents(), false, false, null);
addResources(copy, new String[] { "folder2/folder3/add.txt" }, false);
deleteResources(copy, new String[] {"folder1/b.txt"}, false);
getProvider(copy).checkin(new IResource[] {copy}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// Get the sync tree for the project
IRemoteSyncElement tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testIncomingChanges", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/folder3/", "folder2/folder3/add.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.DELETION,
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION,
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION,
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION});
// Catch up to the incoming changes
// XXX SPECIAL CASE: Update must be run on a resource whose parent is managed at the time of the update.
makeInSync(tree, new String[] {"folder2/", "folder2/folder3/"});
updateResources(project, new String[] {"folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", /* "folder2/", "folder2/folder3/", */ "folder2/folder3/add.txt"}, false);
// Verify that we are in sync (except for "folder1/b.txt", which was deleted)
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testIncomingChanges", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/folder3/", "folder2/folder3/add.txt"},
new int[] {
// Ensure "folder1/b.txt" was deleted
assertDeleted("testIncomingChanges", tree, new String[] {"folder1/b.txt"});
// Verify that the copy equals the original
assertEquals(project, copy);
* Perform a simple test that checks for the different types of outgoing changes
public void testOutgoingChanges() throws TeamException, CoreException {
// Create a test project (which commits it as well)
IProject project = createProject("testIncomingChanges", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt"});
// Make some modifications
IFile file = project.getFile("folder1/a.txt");
file.setContents(getRandomContents(), false, false, null);
addResources(project, new String[] { "folder2/folder3/add.txt" }, false);
deleteResources(project, new String[] {"folder1/b.txt"}, false);
// Get the sync tree for the project
IRemoteSyncElement tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testOutgoingChanges", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/folder3/", "folder2/folder3/add.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.DELETION,
IRemoteSyncElement.IN_SYNC, /* adding a folder creates it remotely */
IRemoteSyncElement.IN_SYNC, /* adding a folder creates it remotely */
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION});
// Commit the changes
commitResources(project, new String[] {"folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder2/folder3/add.txt"});
// Ensure we're in sync
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testOutgoingChanges", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/folder3/", "folder2/folder3/add.txt"},
new int[] {
// Ensure deleted resource "folder1/b.txt" no longer exists
assertDeleted("testOutgoingChanges", tree, new String[] {"folder1/b.txt"});
* Perform a test that checks for outgoing changes that are CVS questionables (no add or remove)
public void testOutgoingQuestionables() throws TeamException, CoreException {
// Create a test project (which commits it as well)
IProject project = createProject("testIncomingChanges", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt"});
// Make some modifications
buildResources(project, new String[] {"folder2/folder3/add.txt"}, false);
IFile file = project.getFile("folder1/b.txt");
file.delete(true, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// Get the sync tree for the project
IRemoteSyncElement tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testOutgoingQuestionables", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/folder3/", "folder2/folder3/add.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.DELETION,
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION,
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION,
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION});
// Update the resource sync info so the resources can be commited
// Merge won't work for folders so we'll add them explicilty!!!
addResources(project, new String[] {"folder2/", "folder2/folder3/"}, false);
makeOutgoing(tree, new String[] {"folder1/b.txt", "folder2/folder3/add.txt"});
commitResources(project, new String[] {"folder1/b.txt", "folder2/folder3/add.txt"});
// Ensure we are in sync
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testOutgoingQuestionables", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/folder3/", "folder2/folder3/add.txt"},
new int[] {
// Ensure "folder1/b.txt" was deleted
assertDeleted("testOutgoingQuestionables", tree, new String[] {"folder1/b.txt"});
* Test simple file conflicts
public void testFileConflict() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
// Create a test project (which commits it as well)
IProject project = createProject("testFileConflict", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt"});
// Checkout a copy and make some modifications
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
IFile file = copy.getFile("file1.txt");
JUnitTestCase.waitMsec(1500); // Wait so that timestamp of modified file differs from original
appendText(file, "prefix\n", true);
file = copy.getFile("folder1/a.txt");
file.setContents(getRandomContents(), false, false, null);
getProvider(copy).checkin(new IResource[] {copy}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// Make the same modifications to the original (We need to test both M and C!!!)
file = project.getFile("file1.txt");
JUnitTestCase.waitMsec(1500); // Wait so that timestamp of modified file differs from original
appendText(file, "\npostfix", false); // This will test merges (M)
file = project.getFile("folder1/a.txt");
JUnitTestCase.waitMsec(1500); // Wait so that timestamp of modified file differs from original
file.setContents(getRandomContents(), false, false, null); // This will test conflicts (C)
// Get the sync tree for the project
IRemoteSyncElement tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testFileConflict", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE });
// Catch up to the file1.txt conflict using UPDATE with ignoreLocalChanges
getProvider(project).update(new IResource[] {project.getFile("file1.txt")},
new Command.LocalOption[] {Update.IGNORE_LOCAL_CHANGES, Command.DO_NOT_RECURSE},
null, null, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testFileConflict", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE });
// Release the folder1/a.txt conflict by merging and then committing
makeOutgoing(tree, new String[] {"folder1/a.txt"});
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testFileConflict", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE });
getProvider(project).checkin(new IResource[] {project.getFile("folder1/a.txt")}, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testFileConflict", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.IN_SYNC });
* Test conflicts involving additions
public void testAdditionConflicts() throws TeamException, CoreException {
// CASE 1: The user adds (using CVS add) a remotely added file
// (a) catchup is simply get?
// (b) release must do a merge
// CASE 2: The user adds (but not using cvs add) a remotely added file
// (a) catchup is simply get?
// (b) release must do a merge
// CASE 3: The user adds a remotely added then deleted file
// catchup is not applicable
// release is normal
// Create a test project (which commits it as well) and add an uncommited resource
IProject project = createProject("testAdditionConflicts", new String[] { "file.txt"});
addResources(project, new String[] { "add1a.txt", "add1b.txt" }, false);
addResources(project, new String[] { "add3.txt" }, false);
buildResources(project, new String[] {"add2a.txt", "add2b.txt"}, false);
// Checkout a copy, add the same resource and commit
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
addResources(copy, new String[] { "add1a.txt", "add1b.txt", "add2a.txt", "add2b.txt", "add3.txt"}, true);
deleteResources(copy, new String[] { "add3.txt"}, true);
// Get the sync tree for the project
IRemoteSyncElement tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testAdditionConflicts", tree,
new String[] { "file.txt", "add1a.txt", "add1b.txt", "add2a.txt", "add2b.txt", "add3.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION });
// Release the conflict cases (MERGE is not required for add3.txt but we do it anyway to ensure it doesn't cause problems)
makeOutgoing(tree, new String[]{"add1b.txt", "add2b.txt", "add3.txt"});
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testAdditionConflicts", tree,
new String[] { "file.txt", "add1b.txt", "add2b.txt", "add3.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION });
getProvider(project).checkin(new IResource[] {project.getFile("add1b.txt"), project.getFile("add2b.txt"), project.getFile("add3.txt")}, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testAdditionConflicts", tree,
new String[] { "file.txt", "add1b.txt", "add2b.txt", "add3.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.IN_SYNC });
// Catch-up to conflicting cases using UPDATE
// XXX SPECIAL CASE: We need to unmanage the resources before getting the remote
makeIncoming(tree, new String[] {"add1a.txt"});
getProvider(project).update(new IResource[] {project.getFile("add1a.txt"), project.getFile("add2a.txt")},
new Command.LocalOption[] {Command.DO_NOT_RECURSE},
null, null, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testAdditionConflicts", tree,
new String[] { "add1a.txt", "add2a.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.IN_SYNC });
* Test conflicts involving deletions
public void testDeletionConflicts() throws TeamException, CoreException {
// CASE 1: The user deletes a remotely modified file
// (a) catchup must do an update
// (b) release must do a merge
// CASE 2: The user deletes (and removes) a remotely modified file
// (a) catchup must do an unmanage and update
// (b) release must do a merge
// CASE 3: The user modified a remotely deleted file
// (a) catchup must do an unmanage and local delete
// (b) release must do a merge
// CASE 4: The user deletes a remotely deleted file
// (a) catchup can update (or unmanage?)
// (b) release must unmanage
// CASE 5: The user deletes (and removes) a remotely deleted file
// (a) catchup can update (or unmanage?)
// (b) release must unmanage
// Perform the test case for case A first
// Create a test project (which commits it as well) and delete the resource without committing
IProject project = createProject("testDeletionConflictsA", new String[] { "delete1.txt", "delete2.txt", "delete3.txt", "delete4.txt", "delete5.txt"});
IFile file = project.getFile("delete1.txt");
file.delete(false, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
deleteResources(project, new String[] {"delete2.txt"}, false);
file = project.getFile("delete3.txt");
file.setContents(getRandomContents(), false, false, null);
file = project.getFile("delete4.txt");
file.delete(false, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
deleteResources(project, new String[] {"delete5.txt"}, false);
// Checkout a copy and commit the deletion
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
file = copy.getFile("delete1.txt");
JUnitTestCase.waitMsec(1500); // Wait so that timestamp of modified file differs from original
file.setContents(getRandomContents(), false, false, null);
file = copy.getFile("delete2.txt");
JUnitTestCase.waitMsec(1500); // Wait so that timestamp of modified file differs from original
file.setContents(getRandomContents(), false, false, null);
deleteResources(copy, new String[] {"delete3.txt", "delete4.txt", "delete5.txt"}, false);
getProvider(copy).checkin(new IResource[] {copy}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// Get the sync tree for the project
IRemoteSyncElement tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testDeletionConflictsA", tree,
new String[] { "delete1.txt", "delete2.txt", "delete3.txt", "delete4.txt", "delete5.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.DELETION | IRemoteSyncElement.PSEUDO_CONFLICT,
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.DELETION | IRemoteSyncElement.PSEUDO_CONFLICT });
// Catch up to remote changes.
// XXX SPECIAL CASE: delete2.txt must be unmanaged before the catch-up
makeIncoming(tree, new String[] {"delete2.txt"});
// XXX SPECIAL CASE: delete3.txt must ignore local changes (and -C doesn't work so we'll unmanage and delete the local resource)
makeIncoming(tree, new String[] {"delete3.txt"});
project.getFile("delete3.txt").delete(false, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
updateResources(project, new String[] {"delete1.txt", "delete2.txt", "delete3.txt", "delete4.txt", "delete5.txt"}, true);
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testDeletionConflictsA", tree,
new String[] { "delete1.txt", "delete2.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.IN_SYNC });
assertDeleted("testDeletionConflictsA", tree, new String[] {"delete3.txt", "delete4.txt", "delete5.txt"});
// Now redo the test case for case B
// Create a test project (which commits it as well) and delete the resource without committing
project = createProject("testDeletionConflictsB", new String[] { "delete1.txt", "delete2.txt", "delete3.txt", "delete4.txt", "delete5.txt"});
file = project.getFile("delete1.txt");
file.delete(false, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
deleteResources(project, new String[] {"delete2.txt"}, false);
file = project.getFile("delete3.txt");
JUnitTestCase.waitMsec(1500); // Wait so that timestamp of modified file differs from original
file.setContents(getRandomContents(), false, false, null);
file = project.getFile("delete4.txt");
file.delete(false, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
deleteResources(project, new String[] {"delete5.txt"}, false);
// Checkout a copy and commit the deletion
copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
file = copy.getFile("delete1.txt");
JUnitTestCase.waitMsec(1500); // Wait so that timestamp of modified file differs from original
file.setContents(getRandomContents(), false, false, null);
file = copy.getFile("delete2.txt");
JUnitTestCase.waitMsec(1500); // Wait so that timestamp of modified file differs from original
file.setContents(getRandomContents(), false, false, null);
deleteResources(copy, new String[] {"delete3.txt", "delete4.txt", "delete5.txt"}, false);
getProvider(copy).checkin(new IResource[] {copy}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// Get the sync tree for the project
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testDeletionConflictsB", tree,
new String[] { "delete1.txt", "delete2.txt", "delete3.txt", "delete4.txt", "delete5.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.DELETION | IRemoteSyncElement.PSEUDO_CONFLICT,
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.DELETION | IRemoteSyncElement.PSEUDO_CONFLICT });
// Release the resources
// XXX SPECIAL CASE: "delete1.txt", "delete2.txt" and "delete3.txt" must be merged
makeOutgoing(tree, new String[]{"delete1.txt", "delete2.txt", "delete3.txt"});
// XXX SPECIAL CASE: "delete4.txt" and "delete5.txt" must be unmanaged
unmanageResources(project, new String[]{"delete4.txt", "delete5.txt"});
commitResources(project, new String[] { "delete1.txt", "delete2.txt", "delete3.txt", "delete4.txt", "delete5.txt"});
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testDeletionConflictsB", tree,
new String[] { "delete3.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.IN_SYNC });
assertDeleted("testDeletionConflictsB", tree, new String[] {"delete1.txt", "delete2.txt", "delete4.txt", "delete5.txt"});
* Test the creation and sync of an empty local project that has remote contents
public void testSyncOnEmptyProject() throws TeamException {
* Test syncing on a folder that has been deleted from the server
public void testSyncOnDeletedFolder() throws TeamException {
* Test syncing on a folder that is empty on the server and has been pruned, then added locally
public void testSyncOnPrunedFolder() throws TeamException {
* Test sync involving pruned directories
public void testSyncWithPruning() throws TeamException {
* Test a conflict with an incomming foler addition and an unmanaqged lcoal folder
public void testFolderConflict() throws TeamException, CoreException {
// Create a test project (which commits it as well) and delete the resource without committing
IProject project = createProject("testFolderConflict", new String[] { "file.txt"});
// Checkout a copy and add some folders
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
addResources(copy, new String[] {"folder1/file.txt", "folder2/file.txt"}, true);
// Add a folder to the original project (but not using cvs)
IResource[] resources = buildResources(project, new String[] {"folder1/"});
((IFolder)resources[0]).create(false, true, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
IRemoteSyncElement tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testFolderConflict", tree,
new String[] { "file.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/file.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/file.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION,
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION,
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION});
makeInSync(tree, new String[] {"folder1/"});
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testFolderConflict", tree,
new String[] { "file.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/file.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/file.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION,
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION,
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION});
* Test that a deleted file can still be deleted through the team provider
public void testOutgoingDeletion() throws TeamException, CoreException {
// Create a test project (which commits it as well)
IProject project = createProject("testOutgoingDeletion", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt"});
// Delete a file
IFile file = project.getFile("folder1/b.txt");
file.delete(true, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// Get the sync tree for the project
IRemoteSyncElement tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testOutgoingDeletion", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.DELETION});
// Catch up to the deletion by updating
getProvider(file).update(new IResource[] {file}, new Command.LocalOption[] {Command.DO_NOT_RECURSE}, null, null, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// Get the sync tree again for the project and ensure others aren't effected
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testOutgoingDeletion", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt"},
new int[] {
// Assert that deletion no longer appears in remote tree
assertDeleted("testOutgoingDeletion", tree, new String[] {"folder1/b.txt"});
* Test catching up to an incoming addition
public void testIncomingAddition() throws TeamException, CoreException {
// Create a test project
IProject project = createProject("testIncomingAddition", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt"});
// Checkout and modify a copy
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
addResources(copy, new String[] { "folder1/add.txt" }, true);
// Get the sync tree for the project
IRemoteSyncElement tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testIncomingAddition", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/add.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION});
// Get the resource from the tree
ILocalSyncElement element = getChild(tree, new Path("folder1/add.txt"));
// Catch up to the addition by updating
getProvider(project).update(new IResource[] {element.getLocal()}, new Command.LocalOption[] {Command.DO_NOT_RECURSE},
null, null, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// Get the sync tree again for the project and ensure the added resource is in sync
tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testIncomingAddition", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/add.txt"},
new int[] {
* Test changes using a granularity of contents
public void testGranularityContents() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
// Create a test project (which commits it as well)
IProject project = createProject("testGranularityContents", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt"});
// Checkout a copy and make some modifications
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
IFile file = copy.getFile("file1.txt");
appendText(file, "", true);
file = copy.getFile("folder1/a.txt");
JUnitTestCase.waitMsec(1500); // Wait so that timestamp of modified file differs from original
file.setContents(getRandomContents(), false, false, null);
getProvider(copy).checkin(new IResource[] {copy}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// Make the same modifications to the original
file = project.getFile("file1.txt");
appendText(file, "", false);
file = project.getFile("folder1/a.txt");
JUnitTestCase.waitMsec(1500); // Wait so that timestamp of modified file differs from original
file.setContents(new ByteArrayInputStream("unique text".getBytes()), false, false, null);
// Get the sync tree for the project
IRemoteSyncElement tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertSyncEquals("testGranularityContents", tree,
new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt"},
new int[] {
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE },
public void testGetBase() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
// Create a test project (which commits it as well)
IProject project = createProject("testIncomingChanges", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt"});
// Checkout and modify a copy
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
// Make some modifications
IFile file = project.getFile("folder1/a.txt");
file.setContents(getRandomContents(), false, false, null);
addResources(project, new String[] { "folder1/add.txt" }, false);
deleteResources(project, new String[] {"folder1/b.txt"}, false);
// Get the sync tree for the project
IRemoteSyncElement tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertEquals(Path.EMPTY, (ICVSResource)tree.getBase(), Session.getManagedResource(copy), false, false);
public void testSimpleMerge() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
// Create a test project (which commits it as well)
IProject project = createProject("testSimpleMerge", new String[] { "file1.txt", "file2.txt", "file3.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt"});
// Checkout and modify a copy
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
copy.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
getProvider(project).tag(new IResource[] {project}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new CVSTag("v1", CVSTag.VERSION), DEFAULT_MONITOR);
getProvider(project).tag(new IResource[] {project}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new CVSTag("branch1", CVSTag.BRANCH), DEFAULT_MONITOR);
getProvider(copy).update(new IResource[] {copy}, Command.NO_LOCAL_OPTIONS, new CVSTag("branch1", CVSTag.BRANCH), null, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// make changes on the branch
addResources(copy, new String[] {"addition.txt", "folderAddition/", "folderAddition/new.txt"}, true);
deleteResources(copy, new String[] {"folder1/b.txt"}, true);
changeResources(copy, new String[] {"file1.txt", "file2.txt"}, true);
// make change to workspace working on HEAD
changeResources(project, new String[] {"file2.txt"}, false);
changeResources(project, new String[] {"file3.txt"}, true);
IRemoteResource base = getProvider(project).getRemoteTree(project, new CVSTag("v1", CVSTag.VERSION), DEFAULT_MONITOR);
IRemoteResource remote = getProvider(project).getRemoteTree(project, new CVSTag("branch1", CVSTag.BRANCH), DEFAULT_MONITOR);
IRemoteSyncElement tree = new CVSRemoteSyncElement(false, project, base, remote);
// watch for empty directories and the prune option!!!
assertSyncEquals("testSimpleMerge sync check", tree,
new String[] { "addition.txt", "folderAddition/", "folderAddition/new.txt",
"folder1/b.txt", "file1.txt", "file2.txt", "file3.txt"},
new int[] { IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION,
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION,
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.ADDITION,
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.DELETION,
IRemoteSyncElement.INCOMING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.CONFLICTING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE,
IRemoteSyncElement.OUTGOING | IRemoteSyncElement.CHANGE });
public void testSyncOnBranch() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
// Create a test project and a branch
IProject project = createProject("testSyncOnBranch", new String[] { "file1.txt", "file2.txt", "file3.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt"});
CVSTag branch = new CVSTag("branch1", CVSTag.BRANCH);
getProvider(project).tag(new IResource[] {project}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, branch, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
getProvider(project).update(new IResource[] {project}, Command.NO_LOCAL_OPTIONS, branch, null, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// Checkout and modify a copy
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, branch);
addResources(copy, new String[] {"addition.txt", "folderAddition/", "folderAddition/new.txt"}, true);
deleteResources(copy, new String[] {"folder1/b.txt"}, true);
changeResources(copy, new String[] {"file1.txt", "file2.txt"}, true);
// Sync on the original and assert the result equals the copy
IRemoteSyncElement tree = getProvider(project).getRemoteSyncTree(project, null, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertEquals(Path.EMPTY, (ICVSResource)tree.getRemote(), Session.getManagedResource(copy), false, false);