blob: bcebf58b9451655575423c429f8ff75dca68d3a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.ui.model.IWorkbenchAdapter;
* AllRootsElement is the model element for the repositories view.
* Its children are the array of all known repository roots.
public class AllRootsElement extends CVSModelElement implements IAdaptable {
public ImageDescriptor getImageDescriptor(Object object) {
return null;
public Object[] getChildren(Object o) {
return CVSUIPlugin.getPlugin().getRepositoryManager().getKnownRoots();
public String getLabel(Object o) {
return null;
public Object getAdapter(Class adapter) {
if (adapter == IWorkbenchAdapter.class) return this;
return null;
public Object getParent(Object o) {
return null;