blob: 18dd6d5789120241500997880d8c638ae556afaf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
concatStrings={0} {1}
Assert.assertionFailed=Assertion failed: {0}
manager.providerAlreadyMapped=Error associating {0} with provider named {1}. The project is already associated with a provider.
manager.errorFlushSync=Error flushing provider mapping information for {0}.
manager.errorDeconfigure=Error deconfiguring provider named {0} from project {1}.
manager.providerTypeInvalid=The provider type is not registered: {0}.
manager.providerExtensionNotFound=TeamPlugin provider extension not found.
manager.providerNoConfigElems=No configuration elements found for extension: {0}.
manager.cannotInstantiateExt=Cannot instantiate extension: {0}.
manager.errorSerialize=Error serializing provider mappings for {0}.
manager.errorUnserializeProvider=Cannot unserialize association of {0} with provider of type: {1}. It is no longer a registered provider type.
manager.errorUnserialize=Error un-serializing provider mappings {0}.
manager.notTeamNature=Error setting nature: {0} is not a registered team nature.
manager.errorSettingNature=Error setting nature {1} on project {0}.
manager.errorRemovingNature=Error removing nature {1} on project {0}.
manager.badClassType=Error creating validator decorator: bad class type
manager.coreException=Error creating validator decorator: core exception
FileModificationValidator.someReadOnly=Some files are read-only.
FileModificationValidator.fileIsReadOnly=File {0} is read-only.
FileModificationValidator.editFailed=Files are read-only.
RepositoryProvider_Error_removing_nature_from_project___1=Error removing nature from project:
RepositoryProvider_Too_many_providers_associated_with_project___2=Too many providers associated with project:
RepositoryProviderTypeduplicate_provider_found_in_plugin.xml___1=duplicate provider found in plugin.xml:
RepositoryProviderTypeRepositoryProvider_assigned_to_the_project_must_be_a_subclass_of_RepositoryProvider___2=RepositoryProvider assigned to the project must be a subclass of RepositoryProvider:
RepositoryProviderTypeRepositoryProvider_not_registered_as_a_nature_id___3=RepositoryProvider not registered as a nature id: {0}.
RepositoryProvider_providerTypeIdNotRegistered=Error configuring the RepositoryProvider the nature id is not registered as a valid RepositoryProviderType id.
RepositoryProvider.couldNotInstantiateProvider=Could not instantiate provider {1} for project {0}.
RepositoryProvider.No_Provider_Registered=No provider registered for {0}.
RepositoryProvider.propertyMismatch=Inconsistent session/persistent property state looking up provider {1}.
RepositoryProvider.linkedResourcesExist=Project ''{0}'' contains linked resources but the''{1}'' repository provider does not supported them.
RepositoryProvider.linkedResourcesNotSupported=Project ''{0}'' is mapped to repository type ''{1}'' which does not support linked resources.
RepositoryProvider.couldNotClearAfterError=A serious error has occurred trying to map project ''{0}'' to provider ''{1}''. Please restart Eclipse.
RepositoryProvider.invalidClass=Class ''{1}'' registered for id ''{0}'' is not a subclass of RepositoryProvider.
TeamPlugin_setting_global_ignore_7=setting global ignore
Team.couldNotDelete=Could not delete previous state file ''{0}''.
Team.couldNotRename=Could not rename new state file from ''{0}'' to ''{1}''.
Team.writeError=An error occurred writing the state file ''{0}''.
Team.readError=An error occurred reading the state file ''{0}''
Team.Could_not_delete_state_file_1=Could not delete state file
Team.Could_not_rename_state_file_2=Could not rename state file
PollingInputStream.readTimeout=Timeout while reading from input stream
PollingInputStream.closeTimeout=Timeout while closing input stream
PollingOutputStream.writeTimeout=Timeout while writing to output stream
PollingOutputStream.closeTimeout=Timeout while closing output stream
TimeoutOutputStream.cannotWriteToStream=Cannot write to output stream
TargetManager.Problems_mapping_project._Project_is_already_mapped._4=Problems mapping project. Project is already mapped.
TargetManager.Problems_mapping_project=Problems mapping project {0}
TargetManager.unableToUnmap=Unable to unmap project. It wasn't mapped to the location. {0}
TargetManager.problemsUnmapping=Problems unmapping project {0}
TargetManager.problemsGettingProvider=Problems getting default target provider for {0}
Config.error=Error configuring the provider
teamStatus.notCheckedOut=Not checked out.
teamStatus.notCheckedIn=Not checked in.
teamStatus.unmanagedResource=Unmanaged resource.
teamStatus.noRemoteResource=Remote resource does not exist.
teamStatus.ioFailed=An IO error occurred.
teamStatus.conflict=A conflict occurred.
multiStatus.errorsOccurred=Errors occurred.
provider.configuration.missing=Required configuration value missing.
provider.configuration.invalid=Configuration value is invalid.
filetransfer.monitor={0} ({1}K of {2}K bytes)
SynchronizedTargetProvider.invalidURLCombination=Could not form a valid URL from {0} and {1}
Team.Error_loading_ignore_state_from_disk_1=Error loading ignore state from disk
RemoteContentsCache.cacheNotEnabled=The cache for {0} is not enabled.
RemoteContentsCache.cacheDisposed=The cache for {0} is disposed.
RemoteContentsCache.fileError=An I/O error performing an operation on {0}.
TeamProvider.10=Error restoring subscribers. Cannot find factory with id: {0}
TeamProvider.11=Error saving subscribers. Cannot find factory with id: {0}
ContentComparisonCriteria.2=Comparing content {0}
ContentComparisonCriteria.3=\ ignoring whitespace
SubscriberEventHandler.2=Updating {0}.
SubscriberEventHandler.jobName=Updating {0}.
SubscriberEventHandler.errors=Errors have occured while calculating the synchronization state for {0}.
RemoteContentsCacheEntry.3=Cache entry in {0} for {1} has been disposed
DeploymentProviderManager.10=Cannot map provider {0}. It's extension point description cannot be found.
DeploymentProviderManager.12=Resource {0} is mapped to multiple deployment providers of type {1}.
DeploymentProviderManager.13={0} is already mapped to {1}
DeploymentProviderManager.15=An I/O error occurred while persisting the deployment configurations for project {0}.
DeploymentProviderManager.16=Previously deployed folder {0} in project {1} no longer exists.
DeploymentProviderManager.17=Previously deployed resource {0} in project {1} is now a file and cannot be deployed.
SynchronizationCacheRefreshOperation.0=Processing {0}
SubscriberEventHandler.8=The members of folder {0} could not be retrieved: {1}
SubscriberEventHandler.9=The synchronization state for resource {0} could not be determined: {1}
SubscriberEventHandler.10=An internal error occurred processing subscriber events.
SubscriberEventHandler.11=An internal error occurred processing resource {0}: {1}
CachedResourceVariant.0=There is no cached contents for resource {0}.
CachedResourceVariant.1=As error occurred computing the content type of resource variant {0}
SyncInfoTree.0=Sync info is missing for resource {0}.
ResourceVariantTreeSubscriber.1=Problems reported while synchronizing {0}. {1} of {2} resources were synchronized.
ResourceVariantTreeSubscriber.2=An error occurred synchronizing {0}: {1}
SyncByteConverter.1=Malformed sync byte format detected in {0}
BatchingLock.11=An error occurred while flushing batched changes
SubscriberEventHandler.12=Synchronization state collection cancelled by a user action.
ProjectSetCapability.0=Failed to create project references
ProjectSetCapability.1=Failed to load projects