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<html><head><title>Check Out - prompts</title>
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</head><body><h2>Check Out - prompts</h2>
<p>Since: 3.0 M5<br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2004/02/25 20:34:42 $</p>
<h3>Scenario 1</h3>
<li>Select a project in HEAD</li>
<li>Perform a Checkout</li>
<li>Ensure project was checked out properly</li>
<li>Select the same project and choose Checkout As</li>
<li>Use the same name and specify a custom location</li>
<li>Ensure that the user is prompted to overwrite</li>
<li>Ensure OK and Cancel have proper behavior</li>
<h3>Scenario 2</h3>
<li>Select a project in HEAD</li>
<li>Perform a Checkout</li>
<li>Ensure project was checked out properly</li>
<li>Delete the project but leave the contents on disk</li>
<li>Perform a Checkout of the same project again</li>
<li>Ensure that the user is prompted to overwrite</li>
<li>Ensure OK and Cancel have proper behavior</li>
<h3>Scenario 3</h3>
<li>Select a project in HEAD</li>
<li>Perform a Checkout As</li>
<li>Use the same name and specify a custom location</li>
<li>Ensure project was checked out properly</li>
<li>Delete the project but leave the contents on disk</li>
<li>Perform a Checkout As of the same project to the same location as in step 3</li>
<li>Ensure that the user is prompted to overwrite</li>
<li>Ensure OK and Cancel have proper behavior</li>
<h3>Scenario 4</h3>
<li>Select a project in HEAD</li>
<li>Perform a Checkout As</li>
<li>Use the same name and specify a custom location</li>
<li>Ensure project was checked out properly</li>
<li>Delete the project but leave the contents on disk</li>
<li>Perform a Checkout on the project</li>
<li>Ensure project was checked out properly</li>
<li>Perform a Checkout As of the same project to the same location as in step 3</li>
<li>Ensure that the user is prompted twice: once to overwrite project and once to overwrite custom location</li>
<li>Ensure OK and Cancel have proper behavior</li>