blob: bd28056e0d154d442c05f42e713dd97d1138f2f1 [file] [log] [blame]
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<p>Since: <br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2004/06/01 15:23:56 $</p>
<p>Test that authentication, connection errors result in appropriate error messages and that these don't pollute the log file or console. to setup for these tests
ensure there are a couple of shared projects in your workspace.</p>
<li>Clear you log file before starting the tests and turn on the CVS quick diff provider.
<li>Perform an update, a synchronize, and open a file. The log should be empty and the operations should succeed.
<li>Disconnect from the network.
<li>Open a file. The CVS quick diff will fail and an error should be in the log.
<li>Synchronize all the shared projects. One error explaining the failures should be returned.
<li>Change the connection properties of one of the projects to point to an non-existing location. Then synchronize again, the error message should indicate that some succeeded and
others failed. But the user should no that the operation did complete and skipped the failed projects.
<li>Expand the invalid location in the CVS repositories view. An appropriate error should be shown.