blob: 93ffb04513ba4743fa81274d569ec58df9d6352f [file] [log] [blame]
<html><head><title>With file revision</title>
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</head><body><h2>With file revision</h2>
<p>Since: <br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2004/03/15 22:00:31 $</p>
<li>If the file isn't managed the action should no appear.
<li>If the file doesn't have any revisions you should be prompted
<li>If the file has revisions you should be prompted with the list of revisions in a compare dialog
<li>In the compare dialog you can select any revision and compare changes but merging isn't supported
<li>If a revision is selected the Replace button should be enabled. Otherwise it should be disabled
<li>If you selected the replace button the file should contain the contents of the revision selected. The dialog will also close.
<li>Ensure that the titles are ok (e.g. dialog title, structure pane title...)