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<html><head><title>Committing Changes</title>
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</head><body><h2>Committing Changes</h2>
<p>Since: 3.1 M4<br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2004/12/17 16:10:10 $</p>
<h3>Commiting changes to existing files</h3>
<li>Edit some existing files in a CVS project
<li>Choose Team>Commit on the project from the Navigator
<li>The commit dialog should show a preview of the files that are to be committed and allow a commit comment to be entered.
Some things to try:
<li>Committing a project (or selected resources) that contain no changes will prompt to indicate this.
<li>Files can be removed from the preview area and these will be excluded from the commit.
<li>Clicking OK without entering a comment should prompt.
<li>Emptying the preview area will disable the Finish and show a "no changes" message.
<li>Try different page layouts (compressed, tree and flat)
<h3>Commiting new files</h3>
<li>Add a few new files to a project including some with unknown extensions and some with no extensions.
<li>Choose Team>Commit on the project from the Navigator
<li>The first page of the commit wizard will allow you to configure the file types for any new files whose content type
cannot be determined.
<li>Configure some to be remembered and others to be only applied to this commit (verify after that this was done properly)
<li>Click Next and verify that the content type was determined properly.
<li>Choose to ignore one of the files and verify that the file is removed and the .cvsignore appears.
<h3>Commiting files contained in a Change Set</h3>
<li>From the Synchronize view, select all the changes from the same Change Set.
<li>Choose Commit and verify that the comment in the commit dialog is the one from the change Set.