blob: e40adefd48c3f05f575d94f3842026c55df8695f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
public class RemoteResourceTest extends EclipseTest {
public RemoteResourceTest() {
public RemoteResourceTest(String name) {
public static Test suite() {
return suite(RemoteResourceTest.class);
protected void assertRemoteMatchesLocal(String message, RemoteFolder remote, IContainer container) throws CVSException, IOException, CoreException {
assertEquals(Path.EMPTY, (ICVSResource)remote, CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSFolderFor(container), false, false);
protected void getMembers(ICVSRemoteFolder folder, boolean deep) throws TeamException {
ICVSRemoteResource[] children = folder.members(DEFAULT_MONITOR);
if (deep) {
for (int i=0;i<children.length;i++) {
if (children[i].isContainer())
getMembers((ICVSRemoteFolder)children[i], deep);
* RemoteFolderTreeBuilder test
* Perform some remote additions, changes and deletions
public void testSimpleChanges() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
// Create a test project and a copy of it
IProject project = createProject("testRemoteTreeBuilder", new String[] { "changed.txt", "deleted.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt" });
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
// Make some changes to the copy and commit
IResource[] newResources = buildResources(copy, new String[] { "added.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/added.txt" }, false);
deleteResources(new IResource[] {copy.getFile("deleted.txt")});
commitResources(new IResource[] {copy}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
// Build the remote tree from the original and ensure it matches the copy
RemoteFolderTree tree = RemoteFolderTreeBuilder.buildRemoteTree(getRepository(), project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertRemoteMatchesLocal("testSimpleChanges", tree, copy);
* RemoteFolderTreeBuilder test
* Create a remote tree from a local workspace with no remote changes.
public void testNoRemoteChanges() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
IProject project = createProject("testNoRemoteChanges", new String[] { "file1.txt", "file2.txt", "folder1/a.txt", "folder2/folder3/b.txt"});
RemoteFolderTree tree = RemoteFolderTreeBuilder.buildRemoteTree(getRepository(), project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertRemoteMatchesLocal("testNoRemoteChanges", tree, project);
* RemoteFolderTreeBuilder test
* Create a base remote tree from a local workspace with no remote changes.
public void testGetBase() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
IProject project = createProject("testGetBase", new String[] { "file1.txt", "file2.txt", "folder1/a.txt", "folder2/folder3/b.txt"});
RemoteFolder tree = RemoteFolderTreeBuilder.buildBaseTree(getRepository(), CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSFolderFor(project), CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertRemoteMatchesLocal("testGetBase", tree, project);
* RemoteFolderTreeBuilder test
* Add a nested folder structure remotely and build the remote tree
* from the root.
public void testFolderAddition() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
// Create a test project
IProject project = createProject("testFolderAddition", new String[] { "file1.txt", "file2.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt"});
// Checkout and modify a copy
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
addResources(copy, new String[] { "folder2/folder3/b.txt" }, false);
commitResources(new IResource[] {copy}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
// Build the remote tree from the project
RemoteFolderTree tree = RemoteFolderTreeBuilder.buildRemoteTree(getRepository(), project, CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertRemoteMatchesLocal("testFolderAddition", tree, copy);
* RemoteFolderTreeBuilder test
* Add a nested folder structure remotely and build the remote tree
* from a child
public void testNonRootBuild() throws CoreException, TeamException, IOException {
// Create a test project
IProject project = createProject("testNonRootBuild", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/a.txt", "folder2/folder3/", "folder2/folder3/b.txt", "folder2/folder3/c.txt"});
// Checkout and modify a copy
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, "-copy");
addResources(copy, new String[] { "folder2/folder3/add.txt" }, false);
deleteResources(new IResource[] {copy.getFile("folder2/folder3/b.txt")});
commitResources(new IResource[] {copy}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
// Build the remote tree from the project
RemoteFolderTree tree = RemoteFolderTreeBuilder.buildRemoteTree(getRepository(), project.getFolder("folder2"), CVSTag.DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertRemoteMatchesLocal("testNonRootBuild", tree, copy.getFolder("folder2"));
* RemoteResource test
public void testGetRemoteResource() throws CoreException, TeamException, IOException {
IProject project = createProject("testGetRemoteResource", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/a.txt", "folder2/folder3/", "folder2/folder3/b.txt", "folder2/folder3/c.txt"});
ICVSRemoteResource file = CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(project.getFile("folder1/a.txt"));
assertTrue("File should exist remotely", file.exists(DEFAULT_MONITOR));
assertEquals(Path.EMPTY, file, CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(project.getFile("folder1/a.txt")), false, false);
ICVSRemoteResource folder = CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(project.getFolder("folder2/folder3/"));
getMembers((ICVSRemoteFolder)folder, true);
assertTrue("Folder should exist remotely", folder.exists(DEFAULT_MONITOR));
// XXX this didn't work right. I'll need to check into it later
// assertEquals("Remote folder should match local folder", (ICVSResource)folder, (ICVSResource)Client.getManagedFolder(project.getFolder("folder2/folder3/").getLocation().toFile()));
* Test that the fetch of a tagged tree matches what is checked out for that tag
public void testVersionTag() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
// Create a test project and version it
CVSTag v1Tag = new CVSTag("v1", CVSTag.VERSION);
IProject project = createProject("testVersionTag", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder1/b.txt", "folder2/folder3/c.txt"});
tagProject(project, v1Tag, false);
// Make some changes, additions (including folders) and deletions and commit
IFile file = project.getFile("folder1/a.txt");
file.setContents(getRandomContents(), false, false, null);
addResources(project, new String[] { "folder2/folder3/add.txt" }, false);
deleteResources(project, new String[] {"folder1/b.txt"}, false);
commitResources(new IResource[] {project}, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
// Fetch the remote tree for the version
ICVSRemoteResource tree = getRemoteTree(project, v1Tag, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// Check out the project version
project = checkoutCopy(project, v1Tag);
// Compare the two
assertEquals(Path.EMPTY, tree, CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSResourceFor(project), false, false);
* Test the fetching of the contents of an empty file
public void testEmptyFile() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
// Create a project with an empty file
IProject project = createProject("testEmptyFile", new String[] { "file.txt"});
IFile file = project.getFile("file.txt");
setContentsAndEnsureModified(file, "");
commitResources(project, new String[] {"file.txt"});
IResourceVariant remote = (IResourceVariant)CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(file);
InputStream in = remote.getStorage(DEFAULT_MONITOR).getContents();
int count = 0;
while( != -1) {
assertTrue("Remote file should be empty", count==0);
* Test the fetching of the contents from multiple remote revisions of a file
public void testFileRevisions() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
// Create a project with an empty file
IProject project = createProject("testFileRevisions", new String[] { "file.txt"});
setContentsAndEnsureModified(project.getFile("file.txt"), "hi there");
commitResources(project, new String[] {"file.txt"});
setContentsAndEnsureModified(project.getFile("file.txt"), "bye there");
commitResources(project, new String[] {"file.txt"});
ICVSRemoteFile remote = (ICVSRemoteFile)CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(project.getFile("file.txt"));
ILogEntry[] entries = remote.getLogEntries(DEFAULT_MONITOR);
for (int i=0;i<entries.length;i++) {
InputStream in = entries[i].getRemoteFile().getContents(DEFAULT_MONITOR);
if (entries[i].getRevision().equals("1.2")) {
int count = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int c;
while((c = != -1) {
buffer[count] = (byte)c;
String contents = new String(buffer, 0, count);
assertEquals("the contents of revision 1.2 are not equal", contents, "hi there");
} else if (entries[i].getRevision().equals("1.3")) {
int count = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int c;
while((c = != -1) {
buffer[count] = (byte)c;
String contents = new String(buffer, 0, count);
assertEquals("the contents of revision 1.3 are not equal", contents, "bye there");
public void testTag() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException {
IProject project = createProject("testTag", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder2/folder3/b.txt", "folder2/folder3/c.txt"});
ICVSRemoteFolder remote = (ICVSRemoteFolder)CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(project);
CVSTag tag = new CVSTag("v1", CVSTag.VERSION);
tagRemoteResource(remote, tag, false);
ICVSRemoteFolder v1 = (ICVSRemoteFolder)getRemoteTree(project, tag, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertEquals(Path.EMPTY, remote, v1, false);
CVSTag tag2 = new CVSTag("v2", CVSTag.VERSION);
tagRemoteResource(v1, tag2, false);
ICVSRemoteFolder v2 = (ICVSRemoteFolder)getRemoteTree(project, tag2, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertEquals(Path.EMPTY, remote, v2, false);
// Test tag with existing
remote = (ICVSRemoteFolder)CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(project);
tagRemoteResource(remote, tag, true /* force */);
v1 = (ICVSRemoteFolder)getRemoteTree(project, tag, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertEquals(Path.EMPTY, remote, v1, false);
// Test local tag with existing.
tagProject(project, tag2, true);
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, tag2);
assertEquals(project, copy, false, false);
public void testExists() throws TeamException, CoreException {
IProject project = createProject("testExists", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/a.txt", "folder2/folder3/", "folder2/folder3/b.txt", "folder2/folder3/c.txt"});
ICVSRemoteResource resource1 = CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(project.getFile("file1.txt"));
ICVSRemoteResource resource2 = (ICVSRemoteFolder)CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(project.getFolder("folder2/folder3/"));
deleteResources(project, new String[] {"file1.txt", "folder2/folder3/b.txt", "folder2/folder3/c.txt" }, true);
assertTrue( ! resource1.exists(DEFAULT_MONITOR));
CVSTestSetup.executeRemoteCommand(getRepository(), "rm -rf " + ((ICVSFolder)resource2).getFolderSyncInfo().getRemoteLocation());
assertTrue( ! resource2.exists(DEFAULT_MONITOR));
// /**
// * Test building a sync tree using the RemoteFolderTreeBuilder using a remote resource as the
// * starting point instead of a local one.
// */
// public void testBuildRemoteTree() throws TeamException, CoreException, IOException, InterruptedException {
// // Create a project and then delete it locally
// IProject project = createProject("testBuildRemoteTree", new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder2/", "folder2/a.txt", "folder2/folder3/", "folder2/folder3/b.txt", "folder2/folder3/c.txt"});
// String name = project.getName();
// project.delete(true, false, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// // Create a remote resource for the project and build a sync tree from it
// RemoteFolder folder = new RemoteFolder(null, getRepository(), new Path(name), null);
// RemoteFolderTree tree = RemoteFolderTreeBuilder.buildRemoteTree((CVSRepositoryLocation)folder.getRepository(), folder, null, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
// // Reload the project from the repository and ensure that the tree and project are equal.
// checkoutProject(project, name, null);
// assertEquals(Path.EMPTY, CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSResourceFor(project), tree, false, true);
// }
public void testCheckoutIntoRemoteFolder() throws CoreException, IOException, CVSException, InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
IProject project = createProject(new String[] { "file1.txt", "folder1/", "folder1/a.txt", "folder2/folder3/b.txt", "folder2/folder3/c.txt"});
ICVSRemoteFolder remote = (ICVSRemoteFolder)CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(project);
remote = checkoutRemote(remote);
assertEquals(Path.EMPTY, CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSResourceFor(project), remote, false, true);
// Try a version
CVSTag tag = new CVSTag("v1", CVSTag.VERSION);
tagProject(project, tag, false);
IProject copy = checkoutCopy(project, tag);
remote = (ICVSRemoteFolder)CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(project);
remote = checkoutRemote(remote);
assertEquals(Path.EMPTY, CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSResourceFor(copy), remote, false, true);
private ICVSRemoteFolder checkoutRemote(ICVSRemoteFolder remote) throws CVSException, InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
return CheckoutToRemoteFolderOperation.checkoutRemoteFolder(null, remote, DEFAULT_MONITOR);
public void testContentFetchForLocalDeletion() throws TeamException, IOException, CoreException {
IProject project = createProject(new String[] { "file1.txt"});
String contents = "the file contents";
setContentsAndEnsureModified(project.getFile("file1.txt"), contents);
project.getFile("file1.txt").delete(false, null);
IResourceVariant remote = (IResourceVariant)CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(project.getFile("file1.txt"));
String fetchedContents = asString(remote.getStorage(DEFAULT_MONITOR).getContents());
assertEquals("Contents do not match", contents, fetchedContents);
private String asString(InputStream stream) throws IOException {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int b =;
while (b != -1) {
b =;
return buffer.toString();
public void testResourceVariant() throws TeamException, CoreException {
IProject project = createProject(new String[] { "file1.txt"});
IFile file = project.getFile("file1.txt");
ICVSRemoteResource resource = CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(file);
IResourceVariant variant = (IResourceVariant)resource;
IStorage storage = variant.getStorage(DEFAULT_MONITOR);
assertEquals(storage.getFullPath(), ((CachedResourceVariant)resource).getDisplayPath());
public String getCachePath(ICVSRemoteResource resource) throws CVSException {
ICVSRepositoryLocation location = resource.getRepository();
IPath path = new Path(location.getHost());
path = path.append(location.getRootDirectory());
path = path.append(resource.getParent().getRepositoryRelativePath());
path = path.append(resource.getName() + ' ' + ((IResourceVariant)resource).getContentIdentifier());
return path.toString();