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<html><head><title>Local History for Unshared Files</title>
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</head><body><h2>Local History for Unshared Files</h2>
<p>Since: 3.2 RC2<br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2006/04/25 10:12:14 $</p>
<p>This section tests the History View's behaviour towards files that
reside in projects that have not been mapped to any Repository Provider.</p>
<h2>Setup Procedure for all Unshared Local History Tests</h2>
<p>All of the tests require the following steps completed prior to any test case
execution. These steps need only be done once for this entire subsection. These steps
ensure that some local history is generated for the unmapped file.</p>
<li>Create a new Java project and add a new class to it.</li>
<li>Add a field to the class and save.</li>
<li>Add another field to the class and save.</li>
<li>Add a method to the class and save.</li>
<li>Add another method to the class and save.</li>
<p>Now that the file has some history to it, you can proceed with this test suite.</p>