blob: 0feab39f75218a2611b2699ebee3fcac4afe4116 [file] [log] [blame]
<html><head><title>Mode Switching</title>
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</head><body><h2>Mode Switching</h2>
<p>Since: 3.2 RC2 <br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2006/04/25 20:40:39 $</p>
<p><b>Purpose:</b> Test the mode switching for the CVS History Page.</p>
<h3>Basic Mode Testing</h3>
<li>Open the History view.</li>
<li>Open any file that is being managed by CVS.</li>
<li>Edit the file and save.</li>
<li>Show the history for the file.</li>
<li>Click on the Local and Remote Revisions button. Verify that you can see both remote revisions and local revisions.</li>
<li>Click on the Local Revisions button. Verify that you can see only local revisions. Note: <i>No background fetching should occur when you switch modes!</i></li>
<li>Click on the Remote Revisions button. Verify that you can see only remote revisions. Note: <i>No background fetching should occur when you switch modes!</i></li></li>
<h3>Mode Persistence Testing</h3>
<li>Open the History view.</li>
<li>Show the history for the file.</li>
<li>Click on one of the modes, remember it and close the history view.</li>
<li>Show the history for a file again and verify that it is in fact the same mode that you had set prior to closing the history view.</li>