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<title>Performing a Synchronize</title>
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<h2>Performing a Synchronize</h2>
<p>Since: 3.0<br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/05/18 13:54:37 $</p>
<p>Synchronizing means to compare your local workspace contents with
the contents in another location with the goal that the two locations
should contain the same contents at some point.</p>
<h3>Performing a Synchronize operation</h3>
<p>There are a few ways of launching a synchronize operation. They
all open the same dialog but the initial selection is affected by where
the operation is launched. Here is the list of ways to start a
synchronize along with the expected initial selection.</p>
<li><b>Using the global synchronize action (via toolbar or
keybinding)</b>: The selection should be obtained from the active view. If
no view is active, all projects should be selected.</li>
<li><b>Using the Synchronize button in toolbar of the
Synchronize view</b>: All projects should be selected.</li>
<li><b>Selecting Synchronize from the context menu of
resources in the synchronize view</b>: The selection should match what was
selected when the menu was selected.</li>
<li><b>Selecting Team > Synchronize with Repository from the
context menu of any resource based view</b>: The selection should match
what was selected when the menu was selected.</li>
<p>Once launched, a synchronize will run in the background.
Currently, the user is prompted to switch perspectives when the
synchronize is launched. When a synchronize completes, the user is
prompted either with a dialog stating there is no changes or one that
contains a details area that shows the incoming changes. The user is
given the option to suppress the post-synchronize dialog.</p>
<h3>Notice a file is out-of-sync in another view (e.g. packages
explorer, types) and want to see the changes</h3>
<p>In case you can select a file, it will be refreshed with the
server, and if changes are found the compare editor is opened that will
allow browsing the changes. If no changes are found, you will be
<h3>From another view would like to browse the outgoing/incoming
changes for several resources</h3>
<p>Select a folder or group of files and Team > Synchronize will
open the sync view and automatically refresh with the remote repository.</p>
<h3>In the sync view and would like to refresh to see if there are
new changes from the server</h3>
<p>Assumption, the sync view may or may not be open when the
synchronize is performed. Maybe we need a different prompt each case.
One for Team > Sync and another for refresh from the sync view.</p>