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<title>Looking For Leaks</title>
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<h2>Looking For Leaks</h2>
<p>Since: <br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/09/19 14:01:34 $</p>
<h3>Removing synchronize view entries</h3>
<li>Start with an empty synchronize view</li>
<li>Create an entry in the Synchronize view for each of the
following cases:
<li>Compare with>Branch or Version</li>
<li>Open the context menu</li>
<li>Select all mode and layout combinations</li>
<li>Remove the entry (making the sync view empty).</li>
<li>Select an item in another view</li>
<li>Using a memory profiler, look for instances of the following
<h3>Closing the Synchronize view</h3>
<p>Close all instances of the Synchronize view and ensure that no instances
of ISynchronizeView remain.</p>