blob: acd7753d1c1bf5bf4720e55b3fbecc85db71a852 [file] [log] [blame]
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<p>Since: <br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/05/18 13:54:37 $</p>
<h3>Adding and Discarding Locations</h3>
<p>You should be able to create a repository location from the
toolbar of the view or via the context menu. Try expanding the location,
the HEAD, Versions and Branches categories. Also, try the failures cases
from <a href="connections00001.html">Connections</a>. Things to try:</p>
<li>Create repo locations for different connection types: ext,
pserver, extssh.</li>
<li>Create a repo location by pasting a location string into the
host field (e.g.</li>
<li>Expanding project nodes should process the children in the
background and the view should remain responsive while this is
happening. When children nodes are added to the tree the tree shouldn't
be too jumpy.</li>
<li>Discard a location and ensure it is removed. Also ensure that
discarding is not permitted when projects in the local workspace are
shared with the location.</li>
<h3>Repository Location Properties</h3>
View a location's properties page and ensure that information is correct
and can be changed. Ensure that the sharing information for any projects
mapped to the location are also changed.
<h3>Working with modules</h3>
<li>Expanding HEAD or the Versions category should display the
modules defined in the CVSROOT/modules file</li>
<li>Check Out and Checkout As should be available on modules and
should work as expected</li>
<li>Performing a "Configure Branches and Versions" on the module
allows the user to set the autorefresh file and add some tags. Ensure
that the module now appears properly in association with those tags.</li>