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<html><head><title>Crash Recovery</title>
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</head><body><h2>Crash Recovery</h2>
<p>Scenario 1</p>
<li>Turn on deep dirty decoration</li>
<li>Dirty a file and ensure that the file and it's parents are dirty</li>
<li>Quit Eclipse so dirty state is persisted</li>
<li>Restart and perform an override and update or commit and ensure file and
parents are clean</li>
<li>Kill Eclipse</li>
<li>Restart and ensure parents and file are clean</li>
<p>Scenario 2</p>
<li>Check out two copies of the same project</li>
<li>Dirty the same file in both projects, commit one and refresh the other in
the sync view so a conflict is visible</li>
<li>Quit Eclipse so that the sync state is persisted</li>
<li>Restart Eclipse and perform an Override and Commit on the conflict</li>
<li>Kill Eclipse</li>
<li>Restart Eclipse and ensure that the sync view doesn't show the file (i.e
the file is in-sync).</li>