blob: 18e97f6a9da5727872e4bd0f8ae5f4497766062c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.update.tests.parser;
import org.eclipse.update.core.*;
import org.eclipse.update.core.model.DefaultFeatureParser;
import org.eclipse.update.core.model.FeatureModel;
import org.eclipse.update.core.model.URLEntryModel;
import org.eclipse.update.internal.core.*;
import org.eclipse.update.tests.UpdateManagerTestCase;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
public class TestFeatureParse extends UpdateManagerTestCase {
* Constructor for Test1
public TestFeatureParse(String arg0) {
public void testParse() throws Exception {
String xmlFile = "xmls/feature_1.0.0/";
ISite remoteSite = SiteManager.getSite(SOURCE_FILE_SITE, null);
URL url = UpdateManagerUtils.getURL(remoteSite.getURL(), xmlFile, null);
SiteFeatureReference ref = new SiteFeatureReference();
IFeature feature = ref.getFeature(null);
String prov = feature.getProvider();
assertEquals("Object Technology International", prov);
public void testParseValid1() throws Exception {
try {
URL remoteURL = new URL(SOURCE_FILE_SITE + "parsertests/feature1.xml");
DefaultFeatureParser parser = new DefaultFeatureParser();
parser.init(new FeatureExecutableFactory());
URL resolvedURL = URLEncoder.encode(remoteURL);
FeatureModel remoteFeature = parser.parse(resolvedURL.openStream());
remoteFeature.resolve(remoteURL, null);
} catch (SAXParseException e) {
fail("Exception should NOT be thrown");
public void testParseValid1bis() throws Exception {
try {
URL remoteURL = new URL(SOURCE_FILE_SITE + "parsertests/feature1bis.xml");
DefaultFeatureParser parser = new DefaultFeatureParser();
parser.init(new FeatureExecutableFactory());
URL resolvedURL = URLEncoder.encode(remoteURL);
FeatureModel remoteFeature = parser.parse(resolvedURL.openStream());
remoteFeature.resolve(remoteURL, null);
} catch (SAXParseException e) {
fail("Exception should NOT be thrown");
public void testParseValid2() throws Exception {
try {
URL remoteURL = new URL(SOURCE_FILE_SITE + "parsertests/feature2.xml");
DefaultFeatureParser parser = new DefaultFeatureParser();
parser.init(new FeatureExecutableFactory());
URL resolvedURL = URLEncoder.encode(remoteURL);
FeatureModel remoteFeature = parser.parse(resolvedURL.openStream());
remoteFeature.resolve(remoteURL, null);
} catch (SAXParseException e) {
fail("Exception should not be thrown" + e.getMessage());
public void testParseValid3() throws Exception {
try {
URL remoteURL = new URL(SOURCE_FILE_SITE + "parsertests/feature3.xml");
DefaultFeatureParser parser = new DefaultFeatureParser();
parser.init(new FeatureExecutableFactory());
URL resolvedURL = URLEncoder.encode(remoteURL);
FeatureModel remoteFeature = parser.parse(resolvedURL.openStream());
remoteFeature.resolve(remoteURL, null);
String copyrightString = remoteFeature.getCopyrightModel().getURL().getFile();
boolean resolved = copyrightString.indexOf(SiteManager.getOS()) != -1;
assertTrue("Copyright URL not resolved:" + copyrightString, resolved);
} catch (SAXParseException e) {
fail("Exception should not be thrown" + e.getMessage());
// parse type
public void testParseValid4() throws Exception {
try {
URL remoteURL = new URL(SOURCE_FILE_SITE + "parsertests/feature4.xml");
DefaultFeatureParser parser = new DefaultFeatureParser();
parser.init(new FeatureExecutableFactory());
URL resolvedURL = URLEncoder.encode(remoteURL);
FeatureModel remoteFeature = parser.parse(resolvedURL.openStream());
remoteFeature.resolve(remoteURL, null);
URLEntryModel[] models = remoteFeature.getDiscoverySiteEntryModels();
assertTrue("Discovery model is not a Web Model", models[0].getType()==IURLEntry.WEB_SITE);
URLEntryModel copyright = remoteFeature.getCopyrightModel();
assertTrue("Copyright model is not an Update Model", copyright.getType()==IURLEntry.UPDATE_SITE);
} catch (SAXParseException e) {
fail("Exception should not be thrown" + e.getMessage());