blob: e3b6c5c604356ad13c49f6f81ce2e34b3a3c8775 [file] [log] [blame]
*** See the Photran Developer's Guide for more information on the ***
*** WikiToEclipse project and Photran's help plug-in. ***
From: "Matt Scarpino" <>
To: "jeffrey Overbey" <>
Subject: Photran help
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 20:09:28 -0700
Hi Jeff,
I uploaded an Eclipse help plug-in to Bugzilla along with a new screenshot. The plug-in doesn't contain source code (it's just XML, HTML, and images), so I didn't worry about the EPL headers or similar concerns. But if there's anything you'd like me to declare, please let me know.
In addition to the plug-in, I've created a Java project that reads Wiki markup in text files (e.g. photran5 and photran5advanced), and creates an Eclipse help plug-in. This way, as you update your Wiki, you can create an updated plug-in by running the application.
The project's libraries are so large that I couldn't upload the archive to Bugzilla. So I put it on my web site and you can download it here:
The WikiToEclipse project is public domain. The instructions.txt file explains how to use it. Let me know if you have any questions.
From: Jeffrey Overbey []
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 10:31 AM
To: Sharon Corbett
Cc: Matt Scarpino
Subject: Question - Photran help
I have an IP question, if you don't mind.
Matt Scarpino owns a consulting company (Eclipse Engineering, LLC) and
kindly wrote a converter for us which will generate Eclipse Help content
from the documentation we've been writing for Photran on the Eclipse Wiki.
He generated a plug-in for us using this converter, and that's posted on
Bugzilla -
We would like to continue using his generator to re-generate our online help
as we update the wiki over time.
As you can see in Matt's e-mail below, the generator was too large to post
to Bugzilla, mostly because it uses some (large) third-party libraries.
Those are under the Apache and BSD licenses, so provenance checking would
probably take a while.
What are the IP requirements here? Is it OK for us to use his generator
as-is, or will it need to be contributed to Photran or Orbit first? I
copied him on this e-mail, so he can help answer any questions.
From: "Sharon Corbett" <>
To: "'Jeffrey Overbey'" <>
Cc: "'Matt Scarpino'" <>
Subject: RE: Question - Photran help
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 10:54:18 -0400
Hi Jeff:
In order to further understand before I respond, can you let me know if the
intent is to check the content into the Eclipse repository?
From: "Matt Scarpino" <>
To: "Jeffrey Overbey" <>,
"Sharon Corbett" <>
References: <007301ca4370$3834e830$5101a8c0@SharoncLaptop> <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: Question - Photran help
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 09:13:26 -0700
I'd be happy to contribute the plug-in generator, but Jeffrey's main =
concern is whether the generated plug-ins can be added to the Photran =
As I understand it, code licensing becomes an issue if the content =
depends on licensed code. But in this case, all of the content is being =
generated automatically. Once the plug-in is generated, it has no =
external dependencies.
The generator depends on Apache-licensed libraries, but that dependency =
doesn't extend to the generated plug-ins. I think Jeffrey can add the =
plug-ins to Photran without any licensing concerns, but I'm no expert.
Date: Fri, 02 Oct 2009 11:02:59 -0500
From: Jeffrey Overbey <>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090812 Lightning/0.9 Thunderbird/ Mnenhy/
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Sharon Corbett <>
CC: 'Matt Scarpino' <>
Subject: Re: Question - Photran help
> In order to further understand before I respond, can you let me know
> if the intent is to check the content into the Eclipse repository?
We are only interested in checking the generated help content (HTML and
XML) into the repository.
I bet Matt would be willing to contribute the entire generator if we
need to (I don't know what the Foundation's rules about generating code
are), but if we can avoid that and only check in the generated help
project, that seems easiest.
From: "Sharon Corbett" <>
To: "'Jeffrey Overbey'" <>
Subject: RE: Question - Photran help
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 12:15:37 -0400
Hi Jeff:
Thanks for the info you provided as well as Matt's input. In order to bring
this forward for a response could I ask you to provide (in layman's terms)
an overview statement/paragraph regarding this tool? It will also be
important to understand if there is any license associated with the tool
that would impact the generated content from being licensed under the terms
of the EPL?
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2009 14:23:53 -0500
From: Jeffrey Overbey <>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090812 Lightning/0.9 Thunderbird/ Mnenhy/
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Sharon Corbett <>
Subject: Re: Question - Photran help
Hi Sharon,
> provide (in layman's terms) an overview statement/paragraph regarding
> this tool? It will also be important to understand if there is any
> license associated with the tool
The WikiToEclipse tool takes a page from the Eclipse Wiki and translates
it into an Eclipse Help plug-in. The intention is to use this for
Photran's end-user documentation, which is currently on the Eclipse
Wiki; by translating it into an Eclipse Help plug-in, users without
Internet access can still read the documentation inside the Eclipse Help
The translation from Eclipse Wiki markup to Eclipse Help markup is very
straightforward. The tool does the same translation we would do by
hand. Since it is just translating one kind of documentation into a
different kind of documentation (more or less like translating a Word
document into a WordPerfect document), the generated result does not
depend on any third-party libraries.
Matt has placed the WikiToEclipse project in the public domain. It uses
some BSD-licensed third-party libraries to read the input, etc., but the
output it generates in no way depends on these libraries; again, the
output (an Eclipse Help plug-in) is just a straightforward translation
of the input (an Eclipse Wiki page). So, from what I can tell, and from
what Matt has told me, there is nothing preventing us from licensing the
generated Eclipse Help plug-in under the EPL.
From: "Sharon Corbett" <>
To: "'Jeffrey Overbey'" <>
Subject: RE: Question - Photran help
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 14:54:38 -0500
Hi Jeff:
You are good to go with respect to using the generated content in the
Eclipse repository.
If at some point in the future, you wish to check the generator tool itself
into the repository; you will of course need to raise CQs as would be
Sharon Corbett
Eclipse Foundation Inc.
Tel: 613-224-9461 ext. 232