blob: 44aa350b30955433197c66965689103853212a40 [file] [log] [blame]
module testmodule
integer :: xfromtestmodule
10 end
function testfunction(A)
integer, intent(in) :: A
testfunction = 4;
20 end ! Hey this is a comment in a weird spot!!!
!<<<<< 1,1,pass
print *, "Main program!"
integer function testfunction(A)
integer, intent(in) :: A
testfunction = 4;
30 end function
subroutine do_stuff
print *,"Hi!"
40 end subroutine
! I am a big fan of printing greetings
subroutine do_stuff
print *,"Hi!"
! What a weird place to put a comment, right?
50 end