blob: 0a54ff8d8a9d9cf6983a874dcf256db944827d66 [file] [log] [blame]
program program1 !basic test, add no list, leave the file the same
use module2
use module3 !<<<<< 3, 5, 3, 12,, pass
use module4, only: help_common4
implicit none
common /block/ a, b, c, /mem/ r, f, t
integer :: a
real :: b
double precision :: c
integer :: r, f, t
a = 5
b = 4.6
c = 2.345
call helper
end program program1
subroutine helper
implicit none
common /block/ e, f, g
integer :: e
real :: f
double precision :: g
end subroutine helper