blob: 6197192021e9e3c47a0aa1f478c75c63921ed846 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 EclipseSource and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* EclipseSource - initial API and implementation
qx.Class.createNamespace( "org.eclipse.rap.clientscripting", {} );
* Note: Thise class is available within ClientScriptingFunction simpl as "SWT" (no namespace)
org.eclipse.rap.clientscripting.SWT = {
* The key down event type
KeyDown : 1,
* The key up event type
KeyUp : 2,
* The mouse down event type
MouseDown : 3,
* The mouse up event type
MouseUp : 4,
* The mouse move event type
MouseMove : 5,
* The mouse enter event type
MouseEnter : 6,
* The mouse exit event type
MouseExit : 7,
* The mouse double click event type
MouseDoubleClick : 8,
* The paint event type
Paint : 9,
* The focus in event type
FocusIn : 15,
* The focus out event type
FocusOut : 16,
* The modify event type
* Currently only supported by Text
Modify : 24,
* The verify event type
* Current limitations:
* - works for Text only
* - is not fired on programatic changes
* - calling setText in verify onsupported
Verify : 25,
* Keyboard event constant representing the UP ARROW key
ARROW_UP : 38,
* Keyboard event constant representing the DOWN ARROW key
* Keyboard event constant representing the LEFT ARROW key
* Keyboard event constant representing the RIGHT ARROW key
* Keyboard event constant representing the PAGE UP key
PAGE_UP : 33,
* Keyboard event constant representing the PAGE DOWN key
* Keyboard event constant representing the HOME key
HOME : 36,
* Keyboard event constant representing the END key
END : 35,
* Keyboard event constant representing the INSERT key
INSERT : 45,
* Keyboard event constant representing the F1 key
F1 : 112,
* Keyboard event constant representing the F2 key
F2 : 113,
* Keyboard event constant representing the F3 key
F3 : 114,
* Keyboard event constant representing the F4 key
F4 : 115,
* Keyboard event constant representing the F5 key
F5 : 116,
* Keyboard event constant representing the F6 key
F6 : 117,
* Keyboard event constant representing the F7 key
F7 : 118,
* Keyboard event constant representing the F8 key
F8 : 119,
* Keyboard event constant representing the F9 key
F9 : 120,
* Keyboard event constant representing the F10 key
F10 : 121,
* Keyboard event constant representing the F11 key
F11 : 122,
* Keyboard event constant representing the F12 key
F12 : 123,
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* pad zero key
KEYPAD_0 : 96,
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* pad one key
KEYPAD_1 : 97,
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* pad two key
KEYPAD_2 : 98,
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* pad three key
KEYPAD_3 : 99,
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* pad four key
KEYPAD_4 : 100,
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* pad five key
KEYPAD_5 : 101,
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* pad six key
KEYPAD_6 : 102,
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* pad seven key
KEYPAD_7 : 103,
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* pad eight key
KEYPAD_8 : 104,
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* pad nine key
KEYPAD_9 : 105,
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* pad equal key
* Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key
* pad enter key
* Keyboard event constant representing the caps
* lock key
* Keyboard event constant representing the num
* lock key
NUM_LOCK : 144,
* Keyboard event constant representing the scroll
* lock key
* Keyboard event constant representing the pause
* key
PAUSE : 19,
* Keyboard event constant representing the break
* key
BREAK : 19,
* Keyboard event constant representing the print screen
* key
* keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the ALT key
* was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated
ALT : 1 << 16,
* Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the SHIFT key
* was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated
SHIFT : 1 << 17,
* Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the CTRL key
* was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated
CTRL : 1 << 18,
* Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the CTRL key
* was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated. This
* is a synonym for CTRL
CONTROL : 1 << 18,
* Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the COMMAND key
* was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated
COMMAND : 1 << 22,
// NOTE : The following constants are characters in SWT and can be compared with both the
// keyCode and the character field of an event. Here these keys are currently only representend
// by the events keyCode, therefore these are numbers instead and can only be compared with
// the keyCode field.
* Keyboard event constant representing the delete key
DEL : 46,
* Keyboard event constant representing the escape key
ESC : 27,
* Keyboard event constant representing the backspace key
BS : 8,
* Keyboard event constant representing the carriage return key
CR : 13,
* Keyboard event constant representing the tab key
TAB : 9