Adapt original SashLayout class to work in RAP

RAP doesn't support mouse track/move listeners. Use real Sash widgets on
top of SashRects for sash drag processing. Only single sash can be
dragged at a time.

Change-Id: I65c371bfe022ee2b111efa889e1e3266ba9e1108
Signed-off-by: Ivan Furnadjiev <>
3 files changed
tree: b62fe93e6b0eb5f256240090009101362121100c
  1. bundles/
  2. demo/
  3. features/
  4. releng/

RAP e4 support

This project holds bundles forked from platform.ui (commit f22406ccafdbf9109579c65a8496f46a39906b51) to support e4 applications on RAP