blob: c40bb3f09895e134ca5be147a72bfb4e1d57a4a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License
* v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution. The Eclipse Public License is
* available at and the Eclipse
* Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
* ======== Registry.xdc ========
* ======== Registry ========
* Register modules that are not statically configured
* This module provides a mechanism by which legacy C code can have its own
* module logging support, including having a name and its own diags mask.
* Without the `Registry`, all logging done by legacy C code is handled by the
* `xdc.runtime.Main` module. This means that all `{@link Log}` events will
* be marked as coming from "`xdc.runtime.Main`", and there is only a single
* diagnostics mask for the runtime control of logging across all legacy C
* code. The `Registry` module allows legacy C code to have the same granular
* control over logging as statically defined RTSC modules.
* To use the `Registry` module, legacy code must define the symbol
* `Registry_CURDESC` to be the name of an externally declared
* `Registery_Desc` structure. This symbol must be defined before the
* inclusion of any `xdc/runtime` header files. If any `xdc/runtime` header
* files are included before the definition of this symbol, the `Registry`
* module may not function properly.
* Note: by defining this symbol on the compile line, rather than in the
* file, one can easily compile code to be used in one of two environments:
* @p(nlist)
* - a fixed configuration environment where modules are registered
* via `{@link #addModule Registry_addModule()}`, or
* - a "normal" configurable environment in which this code is
* assumed to be part of the `{@link Main}` module.
* @p
* The `Registry_Desc` structure must then be registered by calling
* `{@link #addModule Registry_addModule()}`. The structure is typically
* registered and initialized within `main()`.
* For example:
* @p(code)
* //Define the required symbol, Registry_CURDESC, to this file's
* //Registry_Desc object
* #define Registry_CURDESC mainDesc
* #include <xdc/runtime/Registry.h>
* //Declare the Registry_Desc object, the name is unimportant
* Registry_Desc mainDesc;
* Int main(Int argc, String argv[]) {
* //Register this file as a module "main"
* Registry_addModule(&mainDesc, "main");
* @p
* Once registered, the legacy code may call `{@link Log}` APIs without any
* other change and the formatted `Log` events will show as coming from the
* registered modules. Also, the logging by the legacy code is now filtered
* by its own diagnostic mask. The bits of this mask can be set using
* `{@link Diags#setMask Diags_setMask}`.
* Continuing the previous example:
* @p(code)
* //Initialize the legacy code's diags mask to enable USER1.
* Diags_setMask("main=1");
* @p
* All events logged by registered modules will be sent to the logger
* configured for the `Registry` module. For example, to configure the
* logger for use by all modules managed by `Registry`:
* @p(code)
* Registry.common$.logger = LoggerBuf.create();
* @p
* Since the registered modules are not known until runtime, it is not
* possible to statically configure the diagnostics masks for individual
* registered modules. However, it is possible to configure diagnostics
* categories to be permanently off or on for ALL registered modules. This
* is done by configuring the diagnostic mask for the `Registry` module.
* Diagnostic categories set to `{@link Diags#ALWAYS_OFF Diags.ALWAYS_OFF}`
* will be permanently off for all `Registry` modules. Categories set to
* `{@link Diags#ALWAYS_ON Diags.ALWAYS_ON}` will be permanently on for all
* modules managed by `Registry`.
* In order to enable runtime configuration of individual `Registry` module
* masks, all relevant diagnostic categories must be set to
* `{@link Diags#RUNTIME_OFF Diags.RUNTIME_OFF}` or
* `{@link Diags#RUNTIME_ON Diags.RUNTIME_ON}` in the `Registry` module's
* mask.
module Registry
* ======== RegisteredModuleView ========
* @_nodoc
* View element for the 'Registered Modules' ROV view.
metaonly struct RegisteredModuleView {
String modName;
Int id;
String mask;
Ptr descAddr;
* ======== rovViewInfo ========
* @_nodoc
metaonly config xdc.rov.ViewInfo.Instance rovViewInfo =
viewMap: [
['Registered Modules',
type: xdc.rov.ViewInfo.MODULE_DATA,
viewInitFxn: 'viewInitRegisteredModules',
structName: 'RegisteredModuleView'
* ======== Result ========
* Status codes
enum Result {
SUCCESS, /*! The module was added successfully */
ALLOC_FAILED, /*! reserved */
ALREADY_ADDED, /*! The module has already been added or another
* module with the same name is present
ALL_IDS_USED /*! No more module ids available for new modules */
* ======== RegDesc ========
* Registry module descriptor
typedef Types.RegDesc Desc;
* ======== addModule ========
* Add a runtime module to the registry with the specified name
* The `desc` parameter and the `modName` string provided must both be
* permanent since the `Registry` will maintain references to both of
* these.
* @param(desc) non-`NULL` pointer to a `{#Desc Registry_Desc}`
* structure.
* @param(modName) non-`NULL` string name of the module being registered.
* @a(returns)
* `Registry_addModule` returns one of the following
* `{@link #Result Result}` status values indicating success or the
* cause of failure:
* @p(blist)
* - `{@link #SUCCESS SUCCESS}`
* - `{@link #ALL_IDS_USED ALL_IDS_USED}` There are a total of 16,384 - 1
* module ids available for use by `Registry`.
* @p
Result addModule(Desc *desc, CString modName);
* ======== findByName ========
* Find the registered module with the given name
* @param(modName) non-`NULL` string name of a registered module
* @a(returns)
* If the name `modName` is registered via
* `{@link #addModule Registry_addModule()}`, this function
* returns the pointer to the registered `Registry_Desc` structure;
* otherwise it returns `NULL`.
Desc *findByName(CString modName);
* ======== findByNamePattern ========
* @_nodoc
* Find all registered modules matching the specified pattern.
* This API is intended for use by Diags_setMask.
* The name pattern can be an exact module name or it can contain '%'
* as a wildcard. The `len` parameter is the string length of the pattern.
* This function returns one module at a time, but can be called
* repeatedly to find all modules matching the pattern. On the first
* call, pass `NULL` as the `prev` parameter. In all following calls,
* pass the last returned descriptor. This function returns `NULL` when
* it can't find any more modules matching the name pattern.
Desc *findByNamePattern(CString namePat, Int len, Desc *prev);
* ======== findById ========
* Find registered module's descriptor from its module ID
* @param(mid) any module id
* @a(returns)
* If the ID `mid` is registered via
* `{@link #addModule Registry_addModule()}`, this function
* returns the pointer to the registered `Registry_Desc` structure;
* otherwise it returns `NULL`.
Desc *findById(Types.ModuleId mid);
* ======== getMask ========
* Get the specified module's diagnostic mask
* @param(modName) non-`NULL` string name of a registered module
* @param(mask) non-`NULL` pointer to a mask to be initialized
* to the the current state of the diagnostics mask
* associated with `modName`
* @a(returns)
* The function returns `TRUE` if `name` identifies a registered module;
* otherwise, it return `FALSE`.
Bool getMask(CString name, Types.DiagsMask *mask);
* ======== isMember ========
* Determines if the specified module ID belongs to a registered module
* @param(mid) any module id
* @a(returns)
* This function returns `TRUE` if and only if the specified module id
* is a valid `Registry` module id. It does not search registered
* module ids, but simply checks if the id is within the range of valid
* `Registry` module ids.
Bool isMember(Types.ModuleId mid);
* ======== getNextModule ========
* Scan the current list of registered modules
* This function used to scan the list of all `Registry_Desc` structures
* currently being managed by the `Registry` module.
* @param(desc) optionally `NULL` pointer to a `Registry_Desc`
* structure. If `desc` is `NULL`, a pointer to the
* first structure is returned. If `desc` is non-`NULL`
* and equal to a previous return value of this function,
* a pointer to the "next" `Registry_Desc` structure
* is returned.
* @a(returns)
* This function returns a non-`NULL` pointer to one of the
* `Registry_Desc` structures added via `Registry_Desc` structures or
* `NULL` in the case that
* @p(blist)
* - there are no more module's in the list after `desc`, or
* - there are no modules registered
* @p
Desc *getNextModule(Desc *desc);
* ======== getModuleName ========
* Get the module name associated with a specified module descriptor
* @param(desc) non-`NULL` pointer to a `{#Desc Registry_Desc}`
* structure.
* @a(returns)
* If the specified module descriptor has been initialized via a
* successful call to `{@link #addModule Registry_addModule()}`, this
* function returns the module name passed `Registry_addModule()`;
* otherwise, its return value is indeterminate.
CString getModuleName(Desc *desc);
* ======== getModuleId ========
* Get the module id associated with a specified module descriptor
* @param(desc) non-`NULL` pointer to a `{#Desc Registry_Desc}`
* structure.
* @a(returns)
* If the specified module descriptor has been initialized via a
* successful call to `{@link #addModule Registry_addModule()}`, this
* function returns the module id assigned by `Registry_addModule()`;
* otherwise, its return value is indeterminate.
Types.ModuleId getModuleId(Desc *desc);
Desc *findByNameInList(CString name, Desc *listHead);
Void newModule(Desc *desc, CString modName);
Bool matchPattern(CString pattern, Int len, CString modName);
/* Functions for accessing the Registry at ROV-time. */
function isMemberRov(modId);
function lookupModIdRov(modId);
* ======== Module_State ========
struct Module_State {
Desc *listHead;
Types.ModuleId curId;