blob: a9cd42dae113f63703de6533330ae77a07757318 [file] [log] [blame]
* ======== StateReader.xdc ========
package xdc.rov;
import xdc.rov.Program;
* ======== StateReader ========
* These APIs are all designed so that they will not re-read data that has already been read in.
* The StateReader has three similar APIs for reading instance state:
* fetchInstState
* fetchHandleState
* getInstDesc
* fetchInstState takes an instance address and its index into the array of
* static instances (or -1 if dynamic). This is called by fetchAllInstStates,
* knows the index because it's iterating over the list.
* fetchHandleState just takes an instance address. It looks through the list
* of instances to determine the index, then calls down to fetchInstState.
* This API is called by Program.scanHandle.
* getInstDesc takes a decoded instance state structure and the index. Both
* fetch functions ultimately call down to this API. It is also called
* directly by Program.scanObject for scanning embedded objects.
metaonly module StateReader
* ======== create ========
create(ISymbolTable.Instance symTable, StructureDecoder.Instance strDec);
* ======== fetchModuleState ========
* Scans the given module's module state structure. If the structure has
* already been scanned, this function returns immediately.
Void fetchModuleState(Program.ROVModuleDesc *mod);
* ======== fetchAllInstStates ========
* This function makes sure that all of the instance state structures for
* this module have been scanned in. It does not call any view$init
* functions.
Void fetchAllInstStates(Program.ROVModuleDesc *mod);
* ======== fetchInstState ========
* This function scans in a single instance's state, and associates
* various metadata (used by the view$init functions) with the instance
* object.
* Returns the inst object for Program.scanHandle.
Program.ROVInstanceDesc *fetchInstState(Program.ROVModuleDesc *mod,
Long instAddr, Int staticIndex);
* ======== fetchHandleState ========
* The fetchInstState API needs to know whether the given instance
* is static or dynamic. If we just have a handle to an instance, we first
* need to determine whether it is static or dynamic.
Program.ROVInstanceDesc *fetchHandleState(Program.ROVModuleDesc *mod,
Long instAddr);
* ======== getInstDesc ========
* Takes a decoded state structure and creates an Program.ROVInstanceDesc
* for it. Also retrieves the label for the instance.
Program.ROVInstanceDesc *getInstDesc(Program.ROVModuleDesc *mod, Any obj,
Int staticIndex);