Bug 565896 Maven fails because it installs NPM modules at wrong location

The maven build fails if the @eclipse-scout/releng & pnpm modules are
not installed in the expected node directory below
module/target/node/node_modules. Because the scripts running later on
explicitly use this directory to locate pnpm.js and releng-scripts.js

Therefore use the --prefix option to ensure it is installed in the
expected directory only.
And do not use the frontend-maven-plugin to call npm because the
argument passed to --prefix might contain special characters (e.g. white
spaces) which break the command because the frontend-maven-plugin only
uses one single <arguments> tag for the whole command. Quoting the
prefix path does not work on some operating systems either.
Instead the exec-maven-plugin is used to call npm which allows to pass
every argument in a single <argument> tag which also works if such an
argument contains spaces.

Furthermore do not install globally (-g argument) to ensure the
dependencies are always located directly below node_modules. Because
when installing globally, a "lib" directory might be created on some
operating systems.
See https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v6/configuring-npm/folders.
This solution removes the requirement for the platform dependent
properties which did not work on all systems anyway.

See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=565896
See https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/m/1830972

2 files changed
tree: c1f25be7f9c74799c4fbfdf9fcea1df8eeb505f1
  1. maven_plugin_config-master/
  2. maven_plugin_version-master/
  3. maven_rt_plugin_config-master/
  4. maven_sdk_p2_plugin_config-master/
  5. maven_sdk_plugin_config-master/
  6. shell_scripts/
  7. src/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. .gitreview
  11. BUILD.md
  13. pom.xml
  14. README.md

Eclipse Scout - Maven Master

[Eclipse Scout] 1 is a mature and open framework for modern, service oriented business applications. It substantially boosts developer productivity and is simple to learn.

This repository Eclipse Scout Maven Master contains the master POMs for Eclipse Scout projects


The content of this repository is build on the Eclipse infrastructure and the different versions on [Eclipse Maven Repo] 2.

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