blob: 46daf91f9950a36d5020d4824b3beeb05143c937 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- Copyright (c) 2010 BSI Business Systems Integration AG. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
and is available at Contributors:
BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation -->
expecting properties:
- downloadDir
the directory to download the eclipse and delta pack to. The download only occures if the two files do not exist.
- templateDir
the directory contains a dropins folder with some bundles or features.
- eclipseFileName
the name of the eclipse file to download e.g.
- eclipseDownloadUrl
the url to download the eclipse e.g.${eclipseFileName}
- eclipseDeltapackName
the eclipse delta pack file name e.g.
- eclipseDeltapackUrl
the url to download the delta pack e.g.${eclipseDeltapackName}
<project name="setupEclipse" default="">
<property environment="env" />
<property file="" />
<target name="setupEclipse" depends="downloadEclipse, downloadDeltapack">
<antcall target="downloadEclipse" />
<antcall target="downloadDeltapack" />
<!-- setup eclipse to the ${workingDir} -->
<!-- unzip eclipse and delta pack -->
<unzip dest="${relengRootDir}/working" overwrite="true" src="${downloadDir}/${eclipseFileName}" />
<unzip dest="${relengRootDir}/working" overwrite="true" src="${downloadDir}/${eclipseDeltapackName}" />
<copy todir="${relengRootDir}/working" failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="${templateDir}/dropins" />
<!-- jre -->
<!-- <mkdir dir="${workingDir}/eclipse/jre"/>
<copy todir="${workingDir}/eclipse/jre">
<fileset dir="${env.JAVA_HOME}/jre" />
<copy todir="${workingDir}/eclipse/jre/lib" failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="${templateDir}/jre" />
<target name="downloadEclipse" depends="checkDownloadEclipse" unless="skipDownloadEclipse">
<echo message="download eclipse from '${eclipseDownloadUrl}'." />
<mkdir dir="${downloadDir}" />
<get src="${eclipseDownloadUrl}" dest="${downloadDir}/${eclipseFileName}" />
<target name="checkDownloadEclipse">
<available file="${downloadDir}/${eclipseFileName}" property="skipDownloadEclipse" />
<target name="downloadDeltapack" depends="checkDownloadDeltapack" unless="skipDownloadDeltapack">
<echo message="download delta pack from '${eclipseDeltapackUrl}'." />
<get src="${eclipseDeltapackUrl}" dest="${downloadDir}/${eclipseDeltapackName}" />
<target name="checkDownloadDeltapack">
<available file="${downloadDir}/${eclipseDeltapackName}" property="skipDownloadDeltapack" />