<!-- Copyright (c) 2010 BSI Business Systems Integration AG. All rights reserved. | |
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the | |
terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, | |
and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html Contributors: | |
BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation --> | |
<!-- | |
expecting properties: | |
- downloadDir | |
the directory to download the eclipse and delta pack to. The download only occures if the two files do not exist. | |
- templateDir | |
the directory contains a dropins folder with some bundles or features. | |
- eclipseFileName | |
the name of the eclipse file to download e.g. eclipse-SDK-3.7M3-win32.zip | |
- eclipseDownloadUrl | |
the url to download the eclipse e.g. http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/S-3.7M3-201010281441/${eclipseFileName} | |
- eclipseDeltapackName | |
the eclipse delta pack file name e.g. eclipse-3.7M3-delta-pack.zip | |
- eclipseDeltapackUrl | |
the url to download the delta pack e.g. http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/S-3.7M3-201010281441/${eclipseDeltapackName} | |
--> | |
<project name="setupEclipse" default=""> | |
<property environment="env" /> | |
<property file="build.properties" /> | |
<target name="setupEclipse" depends="downloadEclipse, downloadDeltapack"> | |
<antcall target="downloadEclipse" /> | |
<antcall target="downloadDeltapack" /> | |
<!-- setup eclipse to the ${workingDir} --> | |
<!-- unzip eclipse and delta pack --> | |
<unzip dest="${relengRootDir}/working" overwrite="true" src="${downloadDir}/${eclipseFileName}" /> | |
<unzip dest="${relengRootDir}/working" overwrite="true" src="${downloadDir}/${eclipseDeltapackName}" /> | |
<copy todir="${relengRootDir}/working" failonerror="false"> | |
<fileset dir="${templateDir}/dropins" /> | |
</copy> | |
<!-- jre --> | |
<!-- <mkdir dir="${workingDir}/eclipse/jre"/> | |
<copy todir="${workingDir}/eclipse/jre"> | |
<fileset dir="${env.JAVA_HOME}/jre" /> | |
</copy> | |
<copy todir="${workingDir}/eclipse/jre/lib" failonerror="false"> | |
<fileset dir="${templateDir}/jre" /> | |
</copy> | |
--> | |
</target> | |
<target name="downloadEclipse" depends="checkDownloadEclipse" unless="skipDownloadEclipse"> | |
<echo message="download eclipse from '${eclipseDownloadUrl}'." /> | |
<mkdir dir="${downloadDir}" /> | |
<get src="${eclipseDownloadUrl}" dest="${downloadDir}/${eclipseFileName}" /> | |
</target> | |
<target name="checkDownloadEclipse"> | |
<available file="${downloadDir}/${eclipseFileName}" property="skipDownloadEclipse" /> | |
</target> | |
<target name="downloadDeltapack" depends="checkDownloadDeltapack" unless="skipDownloadDeltapack"> | |
<echo message="download delta pack from '${eclipseDeltapackUrl}'." /> | |
<get src="${eclipseDeltapackUrl}" dest="${downloadDir}/${eclipseDeltapackName}" /> | |
</target> | |
<target name="checkDownloadDeltapack"> | |
<available file="${downloadDir}/${eclipseDeltapackName}" property="skipDownloadDeltapack" /> | |
</target> | |
</project> |