<!-- | |
Copyright (c) 2010 BSI Business Systems Integration AG. | |
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials | |
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 | |
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at | |
http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html | |
Contributors: | |
BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation | |
--> | |
<!-- | |
A drop in zip will be created (${outputFolder}/${buildType}-scout-${scoutVersion}${versionMilestone}-${buildTimestamp}${incubationValue}.zip): | |
Root folders of the zip are plugins and features. | |
The output folder (${buildDataDir}/step110/output) is used by upload. | |
--> | |
<project name="step110.zipCreate" default="build"> | |
<property file="build.properties" /> | |
<target name="clean"> | |
<delete dir="${buildDataDir}/step110" /> | |
</target> | |
<target name="build"> | |
<available file="${buildDataDir}/step110/output/zip.created" property="skipStep110" /> | |
<antcall target="createZip" /> | |
<delete dir="${buildDataDir}/step110/input" failonerror="false" /> | |
</target> | |
<target name="createZip" unless="skipStep110"> | |
<antcall target="clean" /> | |
<property name="inputFolder" location="${buildDataDir}/step110/input" /> | |
<property name="outputFolder" location="${buildDataDir}/step110/output" /> | |
<mkdir dir="${inputFolder}" /> | |
<copy todir="${inputFolder}"> | |
<fileset dir="${buildDataDir}/step100/output"> | |
<include name="**/*" /> | |
<exclude name="*.created" /> | |
</fileset> | |
</copy> | |
<mkdir dir="${outputFolder}" /> | |
<condition property="incubationValue" value="-Incubation"> | |
<istrue value="${incubation}" /> | |
</condition> | |
<property name="incubationValue" value="" /> | |
<zip destfile="${outputFolder}/${buildType}-scout-${scoutVersion}${versionMilestone}-${buildTimestamp}${incubationValue}.zip"> | |
<fileset dir="${inputFolder}/rtFeature"> | |
<include name="**/**" /> | |
</fileset> | |
<fileset dir="${inputFolder}/sdkFeature"> | |
<include name="**/**" /> | |
</fileset> | |
<fileset dir="${templateDir}/dropins/eclipse"> | |
<include name="**/**" /> | |
</fileset> | |
</zip> | |
<touch file="${outputFolder}/zip.created" /> | |
</target> | |
</project> |