ExceptionHandler: loop exception is shown even though it is no loop

Use case:
There are two requests. The first request throws a VetoException, a
message box is displayed by the exception handler. The second request
also throws an Exception, but instead of the actual exception dialog, a
message box showing "Error" without any more information is shown. Also,
a log entry "Loop detection" is written.
The loop handling should only be executed if there is an exception while
showing an exception dialog.

Fixed by using the run context of the current job instead of the session
to write the semaphore.

1 file changed
tree: 2108892882d967e738140f814dae78be99db4856
  1. license_files/
  2. org.eclipse.scout.dev.jetty/
  3. org.eclipse.scout.dev.jetty.test/
  4. org.eclipse.scout.dev.jetty.test.affix/
  5. org.eclipse.scout.jaxws.apt/
  6. org.eclipse.scout.json/
  7. org.eclipse.scout.rt/
  8. org.eclipse.scout.rt-settings/
  9. org.eclipse.scout.rt.client/
  10. org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.test/
  11. org.eclipse.scout.rt.mom.api/
  12. org.eclipse.scout.rt.mom.api.test/
  13. org.eclipse.scout.rt.mom.jms/
  14. org.eclipse.scout.rt.mom.jms.test/
  15. org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform/
  16. org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.test/
  17. org.eclipse.scout.rt.server/
  18. org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.commons/
  19. org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.commons.test/
  20. org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws/
  21. org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jaxws.test/
  22. org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jdbc/
  23. org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jdbc.test/
  24. org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.jms/
  25. org.eclipse.scout.rt.server.test/
  26. org.eclipse.scout.rt.serverbridge/
  27. org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared/
  28. org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.test/
  29. org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.client/
  30. org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.client.test/
  31. org.eclipse.scout.rt.svg.ui.html/
  32. org.eclipse.scout.rt.team-project-set/
  33. org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html/
  34. org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor/
  35. org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.scriptprocessor.test/
  36. org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.selenium/
  37. org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html.test/
  38. shell_scripts/
  39. .gitattributes
  40. .gitignore
  41. .gitreview
  43. pom.xml
  44. README.md

Eclipse Scout - RT

[Eclipse Scout] 1 is a mature and open framework for modern, service oriented business applications. It substantially boosts developer productivity and is simple to learn.

This Repository Eclipse Scout RT contains the source for the runtime components embedded in the applications build on top of the Eclipse Scout Framework.


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  • [Eclipse Scout Forum] 5
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[Eclipse Public License (EPL) v1.0] 9