blob: 20358c8fd57cd99fa6bd9b62feefb54dc199d182 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
scout.Column = function() {
this.autoOptimizeWidth = false;
this.autoOptimizeWidthRequired = false; // true if content of the column changed and width has to be optimized
this.autoOptimizeMaxWidth = -1;
this.cssClass = null;
this.editable = false;
this.removable = false;
this.modifiable = false;
this.fixedWidth = false;
this.fixedPosition = false;
this.grouped = false;
this.headerHtmlEnabled = false;
this.horizontalAlignment = -1;
this.htmlEnabled = false;
this.index = -1;
this.initialized = false;
this.mandatory = false;
this.optimalWidthMeasurer = new scout.ColumnOptimalWidthMeasurer(this);
this.sortActive = false;
this.sortAscending = true;
this.sortIndex = -1;
this.summary = false;
this.type = 'text';
this.width = 60;
this.initialWidth = undefined; // the width the column initially has
this.prefMinWidth = null;
this.minWidth = scout.Column.DEFAULT_MIN_WIDTH; // the minimal width the column can have
this.showSeparator = true;
this.table = null;
this.tableNodeColumn = false;
this.textWrap = false;
this.filterType = 'TextColumnUserFilter';
this.comparator = scout.comparators.TEXT;
this.displayable = true;
this.visible = true;
this.textBased = true;
this.headerMenuEnabled = true;
this.tableNodeLevel0CellPadding = 28;
this.expandableIconLevel0CellPadding = 13; = this._createEventSupport();
this._tableColumnsChangedHandler = this._onTableColumnsChanged.bind(this);
scout.Column.DEFAULT_MIN_WIDTH = 60;
scout.Column.NARROW_MIN_WIDTH = 32; // for columns without text (icon, check box)
scout.Column.prototype.init = function(model) {
this.session = model.session;
// Copy all properties from model to this
$.extend(this, model);
// Initial width is only sent if it differs from width
if (this.initialWidth === undefined) {
this.initialWidth = scout.nvl(this.width, 0);
this.initialized = true;
* Override this function in order to implement custom init logic.
scout.Column.prototype._init = function(model) {
scout.texts.resolveTextProperty(this, 'text');
scout.texts.resolveTextProperty(this, 'headerTooltipText');
scout.icons.resolveIconProperty(this, 'headerIconId');
// no need to call setEditable here. cell propagation is done in _initCell
scout.Column.prototype.destroy = function() {
* Override this function in order to implement custom destroy logic.
scout.Column.prototype._destroy = function(model) {
// NOP
scout.Column.prototype._setTable = function(table) {
if (this.table) {'columnMoved columnStructureChanged', this._tableColumnsChangedHandler);
this.table = table;
if (this.table) {
this.table.on('columnMoved columnStructureChanged', this._tableColumnsChangedHandler);
* Converts the vararg if it is of type string to an object with
* a property 'text' with the original value.
* Example:
* 'My Company' --> { text: 'MyCompany'; }
* @see
* @param {scout.Cell|string|number|object} vararg either a Cell instance or a scalar value
scout.Column.prototype.initCell = function(vararg, row) {
var cell = this._ensureCell(vararg);
// If a text is provided, use that text instead of using formatValue to generate a text based on the value
if (scout.objects.isNullOrUndefined(cell.text)) {
this._updateCellText(row, cell);
return cell;
* Ensures that a Cell instance is returned. When vararg is a scalar value a new Cell instance is created and
* the value is set as cell.value property.
* @param {scout.Cell|string|number|object} vararg either a Cell instance or a scalar value
* @returns {*}
* @private
scout.Column.prototype._ensureCell = function(vararg) {
var cell;
if (vararg instanceof scout.Cell) {
cell = vararg;
// value may be set but may have the wrong type (e.g. text instead of date) -> ensure type
cell.value = this._parseValue(cell.value);
} else {
// in this case 'vararg' is only a scalar value, typically a string
cell = scout.create('Cell', {
value: this._parseValue(vararg)
return cell;
* Override this method to create a value based on the given scalar value.
scout.Column.prototype._parseValue = function(scalar) {
return scalar;
scout.Column.prototype._updateCellText = function(row, cell) {
var value = cell.value;
if (!row) {
// row is omitted when creating aggregate cells
var returned = this._formatValue(value);
if (returned && $.isFunction(returned.promise)) {
// Promise is returned -> set display text later
this.setCellTextDeferred(returned, row, cell);
} else {
this.setCellText(row, returned, cell);
scout.Column.prototype._formatValue = function(value) {
return scout.nvl(value, '');
* If cell does not define properties, use column values.
* Override this function to impl. type specific init cell behavior.
* @param {scout.Cell} cell
scout.Column.prototype._initCell = function(cell) {
cell.cssClass = scout.nvl(cell.cssClass, this.cssClass);
cell.editable = scout.nvl(cell.editable, this.editable);
cell.horizontalAlignment = scout.nvl(cell.horizontalAlignment, this.horizontalAlignment);
cell.htmlEnabled = scout.nvl(cell.htmlEnabled, this.htmlEnabled);
cell.mandatory = scout.nvl(cell.mandatory, this.mandatory);
return cell;
scout.Column.prototype.buildCellForRow = function(row) {
var cell = this.cell(row);
return this.buildCell(cell, row);
scout.Column.prototype.buildCellForAggregateRow = function(aggregateRow) {
var cell;
if (this.grouped) {
var refRow = (this.table.groupingStyle === scout.Table.GroupingStyle.TOP ? aggregateRow.nextRow : aggregateRow.prevRow);
cell = this.createAggrGroupCell(refRow);
} else {
var aggregateValue = aggregateRow.contents[this.table.columns.indexOf(this)];
cell = this.createAggrValueCell(aggregateValue);
return this.buildCell(cell, {});
scout.Column.prototype.buildCell = function(cell, row) {
scout.assertParameter('cell', cell, scout.Cell);
var text = cell.text || '',
tableNodeColumn = this.table.isTableNodeColumn(this),
rowPadding = 0;
if (tableNodeColumn) {
rowPadding = this.table._calcRowLevelPadding(row);
if (!cell.htmlEnabled) {
text = cell.encodedText() || '';
if (this.table.multilineText) {
text = scout.strings.nl2br(text, false);
var iconId = cell.iconId;
var icon = this._icon(iconId, !!text) || '';
var cssClass = this._cellCssClass(cell, tableNodeColumn);
var style = this._cellStyle(cell, tableNodeColumn, rowPadding);
if (cell.errorStatus) {
row.hasError = true;
var content;
if (!text && !icon) {
// If every cell of a row is empty the row would collapse, using nbsp makes sure the row is as height as the others even if it is empty
content = ' ';
cssClass = scout.strings.join(' ', cssClass, 'empty');
} else {
content = icon + text;
if (tableNodeColumn && row._expandable) {
this.tableNodeColumn = true;
content = this._expandIcon(row.expanded, rowPadding) + content;
if (row.expanded) {
cssClass += ' expanded';
return this._buildCell(content, style, cssClass);
scout.Column.prototype._buildCell = function(content, style, cssClass) {
var cellHtml = '';
cellHtml += '<div class="' + cssClass + '" style="' + style + '"' + scout.device.unselectableAttribute.string + '>';
if (scout.device.tableAdditionalDivRequired) {
cellHtml += '<div class="width-fix" style="max-width: ' + (this.width - this.table.cellHorizontalPadding - 2 /* unknown IE9 extra space */ ) + 'px; ' + '">';
// same calculation in scout.Table.prototype.resizeColumn
cellHtml += content;
if (scout.device.tableAdditionalDivRequired) {
cellHtml += '</div>';
cellHtml += '</div>';
return cellHtml;
scout.Column.prototype._expandIcon = function(expanded, rowPadding) {
var style = 'padding-left: ' + (rowPadding + this.expandableIconLevel0CellPadding) + 'px';
var cssClasses = 'table-row-control';
if (expanded) {
cssClasses += ' expanded';
var html = '<div class="' + cssClasses + '" style="' + style + '"></div>';
return html;
scout.Column.prototype._icon = function(iconId, hasText) {
var cssClass, icon;
if (!iconId) {
cssClass = 'table-cell-icon';
if (hasText) {
cssClass += ' with-text';
icon = scout.icons.parseIconId(iconId);
if (icon.isFontIcon()) {
cssClass += ' font-icon';
return '<span class="' + icon.appendCssClass(cssClass) + '">' + icon.iconCharacter + '</span>';
} else {
cssClass += ' image-icon';
return '<img class="' + cssClass + '" src="' + icon.iconUrl + '">';
scout.Column.prototype._cellCssClass = function(cell, tableNode) {
var cssClass = 'table-cell';
if (cell.mandatory) {
cssClass += ' mandatory';
if (!this.table.multilineText || !this.textWrap) {
cssClass += ' white-space-nowrap';
if (cell.editable) {
cssClass += ' editable';
if (cell.errorStatus) {
cssClass += ' has-error';
cssClass += ' halign-' + scout.Table.parseHorizontalAlignment(cell.horizontalAlignment);
var visibleColumns = this.table.visibleColumns();
var overAllColumnPosition = visibleColumns.indexOf(this);
if (overAllColumnPosition === 0) {
cssClass += ' first';
if (overAllColumnPosition === visibleColumns.length - 1) {
cssClass += ' last';
if (tableNode) {
cssClass += ' table-node';
if (cell.cssClass) {
cssClass += ' ' + cell.cssClass;
return cssClass;
scout.Column.prototype._cellStyle = function(cell, tableNodeColumn, rowPadding) {
var style,
width = this.width;
if (width === 0) {
return 'display: none;';
style = 'min-width: ' + width + 'px; max-width: ' + width + 'px; ';
if (tableNodeColumn) {
// calculate padding
style += ' padding-left: ' + (this.tableNodeLevel0CellPadding + rowPadding) + 'px; ';
style += scout.styles.legacyStyle(cell);
return style;
scout.Column.prototype.onMouseUp = function(event, $row) {
var row = $'row'),
cell = this.cell(row);
if (this.isCellEditable(row, cell, event)) {
this.table.prepareCellEdit(this, row, true);
scout.Column.prototype.isCellEditable = function(row, cell, event) {
return this.table.enabledComputed && row.enabled && cell.editable && !event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey;
scout.Column.prototype.startCellEdit = function(row, field) {
var popup,
$row = row.$row,
cell = this.cell(row),
$cell = this.table.$cell(this, $row);
cell.field = field;
// Override field alignment with the cell's alignment
cell.field.gridData.horizontalAlignment = cell.horizontalAlignment;
popup = scout.create('CellEditorPopup', {
parent: this.table,
column: this,
row: row,
cell: cell
popup.$anchor = $cell;$data);
return popup;
* @returns the cell object for this column from the given row.
scout.Column.prototype.cell = function(row) {
return this.table.cell(this, row);
* @returns the cell object for this column from the first selected row in the table.
scout.Column.prototype.selectedCell = function() {
var selectedRow = this.table.selectedRow();
return this.table.cell(this, selectedRow);
scout.Column.prototype.cellValueOrText = function(row) {
if (this.textBased) {
return this.table.cellText(this, row);
} else {
return this.table.cellValue(this, row);
* @returns the cell value to be used for grouping and filtering (chart, column filter).
scout.Column.prototype.cellValueOrTextForCalculation = function(row) {
var cell = this.cell(row);
var value = this.cellValueOrText(row);
if (scout.objects.isNullOrUndefined(value)) {
return null;
return this._preprocessValueOrTextForCalculation(value, cell);
scout.Column.prototype._preprocessValueOrTextForCalculation = function(value, cell) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
// In case of string columns, value and text are equal -> use _preprocessStringForCalculation to handle html tags and new lines correctly
return this._preprocessTextForCalculation(value, cell.htmlEnabled);
return value;
scout.Column.prototype._preprocessTextForCalculation = function(text, htmlEnabled) {
return this._preprocessText(text, {
removeHtmlTags: htmlEnabled,
removeNewlines: true,
trim: true
* @returns the cell text to be used for table grouping
scout.Column.prototype.cellTextForGrouping = function(row) {
var cell = this.cell(row);
return this._preprocessTextForGrouping(cell.text, cell.htmlEnabled);
scout.Column.prototype._preprocessTextForGrouping = function(text, htmlEnabled) {
return this._preprocessText(text, {
removeHtmlTags: htmlEnabled,
trim: true
* @returns the cell text to be used for the text filter
scout.Column.prototype.cellTextForTextFilter = function(row) {
var cell = this.cell(row);
return this._preprocessTextForTextFilter(cell.text, cell.htmlEnabled);
scout.Column.prototype._preprocessTextForTextFilter = function(text, htmlEnabled) {
return this._preprocessText(text, {
removeHtmlTags: htmlEnabled
* Removes html tags, converts to single line, removes leading and trailing whitespaces.
scout.Column.prototype._preprocessText = function(text, options) {
if (text === null || text === undefined) {
return text;
options = options || {};
if (options.removeHtmlTags) {
text = scout.strings.plainText(text);
if (options.removeNewlines) {
text = text.replace('\n', ' ');
if (options.trim) {
text = text.trim();
return text;
scout.Column.prototype.setCellValue = function(row, value) {
var cell = this.cell(row);
// value may have the wrong type (e.g. text instead of date) -> ensure type
value = this._parseValue(value);
// do not trigger value change when value did not change
if (cell.value === value) {
if (row.status === scout.TableRow.Status.NON_CHANGED) {
row.status = scout.TableRow.Status.UPDATED;
this._updateCellText(row, cell);
scout.Column.prototype.setCellTextDeferred = function(promise, row, cell) {
.done(function(text) {
this.setCellText(row, text, cell);
.fail(function(error) {
this.setCellText(row, '', cell);
$.log.error('Could not resolve cell text for value ' + cell.value, error);
// (then) promises always resolve asynchronously which means the text will always be set later after row is initialized and will generate an update row event.
// To make sure not every cell update will render the viewport (which is an expensive operation), the update is buffered and done as soon as all promises resolve.
scout.Column.prototype.setCellText = function(row, text, cell) {
if (!cell) {
cell = this.cell(row);
// Don't update row while initializing (it is either added to the table later, or being added / updated right now)
// The check for "this.table" is necessary, because the column could already have been destroyed (method is called
// asynchronously by setCellTextDeferred).
if (row.initialized && this.table) {
scout.Column.prototype.setHorizontalAlignment = function(hAlign) {
if (this.horizontalAlignment === hAlign) {
this.horizontalAlignment = hAlign;
this.table.rows.forEach(function(row) {
scout.Column.prototype.setEditable = function(editable) {
if (this.editable === editable) {
this.editable = editable;
this.table.rows.forEach(function(row) {
scout.Column.prototype.setMandatory = function(mandatory) {
if (this.mandatory === mandatory) {
this.mandatory = mandatory;
this.table.rows.forEach(function(row) {
scout.Column.prototype.setCssClass = function(cssClass) {
if (this.cssClass === cssClass) {
this.cssClass = cssClass;
this.table.rows.forEach(function(row) {
}, this);
scout.Column.prototype.setWidth = function(width) {
if (this.width === width) {
this.table.resizeColumn(this, width);
scout.Column.prototype.createAggrGroupCell = function(row) {
var cell = this.cell(row);
return this.initCell(scout.create('Cell', {
// value necessary for value based columns (e.g. checkbox column)
value: cell.value,
text: this.cellTextForGrouping(row),
iconId: cell.iconId,
horizontalAlignment: this.horizontalAlignment,
cssClass: 'table-aggregate-cell'
scout.Column.prototype.createAggrValueCell = function(value) {
return this.createAggrEmptyCell();
scout.Column.prototype.createAggrEmptyCell = function() {
return this.initCell(scout.create('Cell', {
empty: true
scout.Column.prototype.calculateOptimalWidth = function() {
return this.optimalWidthMeasurer.measure();
* Returns a type specific column user-filter. The default impl. returns a ColumnUserFilter.
* Sub-classes that must return another type, must simply change the value of the 'filterType' property.
scout.Column.prototype.createFilter = function(model) {
return scout.create(this.filterType, {
session: this.session,
table: this.table,
column: this
* @returns a field instance used as editor when a cell of this column is in edit mode.
scout.Column.prototype.createEditor = function(row) {
var field = this._createEditor(row);
var cell = this.cell(row);
var hints = new scout.GridData(field.gridDataHints);
hints.horizontalAlignment = cell.horizontalAlignment;
return field;
scout.Column.prototype._createEditor = function() {
return scout.create('StringField', {
parent: this.table
* Override this function to install a specific compare function on a column instance.
* The default impl. installs a generic comparator working with less than and greater than.
* @returns whether or not it was possible to install a compare function. If not, client side sorting is disabled.
scout.Column.prototype.installComparator = function() {
return this.comparator.install(this.session);
* @returns whether or not it is possible to sort this column.
* As a side effect a comparator is installed.
scout.Column.prototype.isSortingPossible = function() {
// If installation fails sorting is still possible (in case of the text comparator just without a collator)
return true;
}; = function(row1, row2) {
var valueA = this.cellValueOrText(row1);
var valueB = this.cellValueOrText(row2);
return, valueB);
scout.Column.prototype.isVisible = function() {
return this.displayable && this.visible;
scout.Column.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) {
if (this.visible === visible) {
scout.Column.prototype._setVisible = function(visible) {
this.visible = visible;
if (this.initialized) {
scout.Column.prototype.setDisplayable = function(displayable) {
if (this.displayable === displayable) {
scout.Column.prototype._setDisplayable = function(displayable) {
this.displayable = displayable;
if (this.initialized) {
scout.Column.prototype.setAutoOptimizeWidth = function(autoOptimizeWidth) {
if (this.autoOptimizeWidth === autoOptimizeWidth) {
scout.Column.prototype._setAutoOptimizeWidth = function(autoOptimizeWidth) {
this.autoOptimizeWidth = autoOptimizeWidth;
this.autoOptimizeWidthRequired = autoOptimizeWidth;
if (this.initialized) {
this.table.columnLayoutDirty = true;
scout.Column.prototype.setTextWrap = function(textWrap) {
if (this.textWrap === textWrap) {
this.textWrap = textWrap;
if (this.table.rendered && this.table.multilineText) { // If multilineText is disabled toggling textWrap has no effect
// See also table._renderMultilineText(), requires similar operations
this.autoOptimizeWidthRequired = true;
scout.Column.prototype.isContentValid = function(row) {
return this.cell(row).isContentValid();
scout.Column.prototype._onTableColumnsChanged = function(event) {
if (this.table.visibleColumns().indexOf(this) === 0) {
this.tableNodeLevel0CellPadding = 28;
this.expandableIconLevel0CellPadding = 13;
} else {
this.tableNodeLevel0CellPadding = 23;
this.expandableIconLevel0CellPadding = 8;
//--- Event handling methods ---
scout.Column.prototype._createEventSupport = function() {
return new scout.EventSupport();
scout.Column.prototype.trigger = function(type, event) {
event = event || {};
event.source = this;, event);
}; = function(type, func) {, func);
scout.Column.prototype.on = function(type, func) {
return, func);
}; = function(type, func) {, func);
scout.Column.prototype.addListener = function(listener) {;
scout.Column.prototype.removeListener = function(listener) {;
* Adds an event handler using {@link #one()} and returns a promise.
* The promise is resolved as soon as the event is triggered.
scout.Column.prototype.when = function(type) {