blob: 9e4ae82a8c0250c98527eb440d7643ddf6ab3e94 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
scout.DesktopLayout = function(desktop) {;
this.desktop = desktop;
scout.inherits(scout.DesktopLayout, scout.AbstractLayout);
scout.DesktopLayout.prototype.layout = function($container) {
var navigationSize, headerSize, htmlHeader, htmlBench, benchSize, htmlNavigation, animationProps,
navigationWidth = 0,
headerHeight = 0,
desktop = this.desktop,
navigation = desktop.navigation,
header = desktop.header,
bench = desktop.bench,
// Animation moves header and bench to the left when navigation gets invisible or moves bench to the right if bench gets invisible (used for mobile)
animated = desktop.animateLayoutChange,
containerSize = this.containerSize(),
fullWidthNavigation = navigation && navigation.htmlComp.layoutData.fullWidth;
if (navigation) {
navigationWidth = this.calculateNavigationWidth(containerSize);
if (desktop.splitter) {
if (desktop.navigationVisible) {
htmlNavigation = navigation.htmlComp;
navigationSize = new scout.Dimension(navigationWidth, containerSize.height)
if (header) {
htmlHeader = header.htmlComp;
headerHeight = htmlHeader.$comp.outerHeight(true);
if (desktop.headerVisible) {
// positioning
if (!animated) {
// sizing
headerSize = new scout.Dimension(containerSize.width - navigationWidth, headerHeight)
if (!animated || fullWidthNavigation) {
if (animated) {
animationProps = {
left: containerSize.width
prepareAnimate(animationProps, htmlHeader, headerSize);
this._animate(animationProps, htmlHeader, headerSize);
if (bench) {
htmlBench = bench.htmlComp;
if (desktop.benchVisible) {
// positioning
if (!animated) {
// sizing
benchSize = new scout.Dimension(containerSize.width - navigationWidth, containerSize.height - headerHeight)
if (!animated || fullWidthNavigation) {
if (animated) {
animationProps = {
left: containerSize.width
prepareAnimate(animationProps, htmlBench, benchSize);
this._animate(animationProps, htmlBench, benchSize);
function prepareAnimate(animationProps, htmlComp, size) {
if (fullWidthNavigation) {
// Slide bench in from right to left, don't resize
} else {
// Resize bench
animationProps.width = size.width;
// Layout once before animation begins
// Resizing on every step/progress would result in poor performance (e.g. when a form is open in the bench)
// Move to new point (=0, if navigation is invisible)
animationProps.left = navigationWidth;
* Used to animate bench and header
scout.DesktopLayout.prototype._animate = function(animationProps, htmlComp, size) {
// If animation is already running, stop the existing and don't use timeout to schedule the new to have a smoother transition
// Concurrent animation of the same element is bad because jquery messes up the overflow style
if (htmlComp.$':animated')) {
htmlComp.$comp.stop().animate(animationProps, {
complete: this.desktop.onLayoutAnimationComplete.bind(this.desktop)
} else {
// schedule animation to have a smoother start
setTimeout(function() {
htmlComp.$comp.stop().animate(animationProps, {
complete: this.desktop.onLayoutAnimationComplete.bind(this.desktop)
scout.DesktopLayout.prototype.containerSize = function() {
var htmlContainer = this.desktop.htmlComp,
containerSize = htmlContainer.availableSize({
exact: true
return containerSize.subtract(htmlContainer.insets());
scout.DesktopLayout.prototype.calculateNavigationWidth = function(containerSize) {
if (!this.desktop.navigationVisible) {
return 0;
var navigationLayoutData = this.desktop.navigation.htmlComp.layoutData;
if (navigationLayoutData.fullWidth) {
return containerSize.width;
var splitterPosition = 0;
if (this.desktop.splitter) {
splitterPosition = this.desktop.splitter.position;
var outline = this.desktop.outline;
if (!this.desktop.resizing && outline && outline.toggleBreadcrumbStyleEnabled) {
// If toggleBreadcrumbStyleEnabled is true, BREADCRUMB_STYLE_WIDTH triggers the toggling between the two modes.
// This code ensures this rule is never violated (necessary if mode is toggled programmatically rather than by the user)
if (outline.displayStyle === scout.Tree.DisplayStyle.BREADCRUMB) {
splitterPosition = scout.DesktopNavigation.BREADCRUMB_STYLE_WIDTH;
} else if (Math.floor(splitterPosition) <= scout.DesktopNavigation.BREADCRUMB_STYLE_WIDTH) {
splitterPosition = scout.DesktopNavigation.DEFAULT_STYLE_WIDTH;
return Math.max(splitterPosition, scout.DesktopNavigation.MIN_WIDTH); // ensure newSize is not negative