blob: 3fd6e8ad9eff7d6625bfa8a2287d7b6831093592 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
* This class is used to extend an existing Scout object. In order to use the extension feature
* you must subclass scout.Extension an implement an init method where you register the methods
* you want to extend. Example:
* scout.MyExtension.prototype.init = function() {
* this.extend(scout.MyStringField.prototype, '_init');
* this.extend(scout.MyStringField.prototype, '_renderProperties');
* };
* Then you implement methods with the same name and signature on the extension class. Example:
* scout.MyExtension.prototype._init = function(model) {
* this.extended.setProperty('bar', 'foo');
* };
* The extension feature sets two properties on the extension instance before the extended method
* is called. Note: the function scope (this) is set to the extension instance when the extended
* function is called:
* next: is a reference to the next extended function or the original function of the extended
* object, in case the current extension is the last extension in the extension chain.
* extended: is the extended or original object.
scout.Extension = function() {
scout.Extension.prototype.extend = function(extended, funcName) {
var origFunc = extended[funcName];
var extension = this;
var wrapper = function() {
extension.extended = this; = origFunc.bind(this);
extension[funcName].apply(extension, arguments);
extended[funcName] = wrapper;
* Calls scout.create for each extension class in the given extensions array.
* @param extensions an Array of strings containing extension class names
* @static
scout.Extension.install = function(extensions) {
extensions.forEach(function(ext) {