blob: 5417569dcc9922a69584c383ae5423d84cabaefb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
* Form-Field Layout, for a form-field with label, status, mandatory-indicator and a field.
* This layout class works with a FormField instance, since we must access properties of the model.
* Note: we use optGet() here, since some form-fields have only a bare HTML element as field, other
* (composite) form-fields work with a HtmlComponent which has its own LayoutManager.
scout.FormFieldLayout = function(formField) {;
this.formField = formField;
this.htmlPropertyChangeHandler = this._onHtmlEnvironmenPropertyChange.bind(this);
scout.HtmlEnvironment.on('propertyChange', this.htmlPropertyChangeHandler);'remove', function() {'propertyChange', this.htmlPropertyChangeHandler);
scout.inherits(scout.FormFieldLayout, scout.AbstractLayout);
// Minimum field with to normal state, for smaller widths the "compact" style is applied.
scout.FormFieldLayout.MIN_FIELD_WIDTH = 61;
scout.FormFieldLayout.prototype._initDefaults = function() {
this.mandatoryIndicatorWidth = scout.HtmlEnvironment.fieldMandatoryIndicatorWidth;
this.statusWidth = scout.HtmlEnvironment.fieldStatusWidth;
this.rowHeight = scout.HtmlEnvironment.formRowHeight;
scout.FormFieldLayout.prototype._onHtmlEnvironmenPropertyChange = function() {
scout.FormFieldLayout.prototype.layout = function($container) {
var containerPadding, fieldOffset, fieldSize, fieldBounds, htmlField, labelHasFieldWidth, top, bottom, left, right,
htmlContainer = scout.HtmlComponent.get($container),
formField = this.formField,
tooltip = formField._tooltip(),
labelWidth = this.labelWidth(),
statusWidth = this.statusWidth;
// Note: Position coordinates start _inside_ the border, therefore we only use the padding
containerPadding = htmlContainer.insets({
includeBorder: false
top =;
right = containerPadding.right;
bottom = containerPadding.bottom;
left = containerPadding.left;
if (this._isLabelVisible()) {
// currently a gui only flag, necessary for sequencebox
if (formField.labelWidthInPixel === scout.FormField.LabelWidth.UI || formField.labelUseUiWidth) {
if (formField.$label.hasClass('empty')) {
labelWidth = 0;
} else {
labelWidth = 32;//$label).width;
if (scout.isOneOf(formField.labelPosition, scout.FormField.LabelPosition.DEFAULT, scout.FormField.LabelPosition.LEFT)) {
//$label, left, top, labelWidth, this.rowHeight);
left += labelWidth + formField.$label.cssMarginX();
} else if (formField.labelPosition === scout.FormField.LabelPosition.TOP) {
var labelHeight = 32;//$label).height;
// prefSize rounds the value -> ensure label height is set to that value to prevent gaps between container and label.
// In addition, this also ensures that the correct height is set when changing the label position from left to top
// formField.$label.cssHeight(labelHeight);
top += labelHeight + formField.$label.cssMarginY();
labelHasFieldWidth = true;
if (formField.$mandatory && formField.$mandatory.isVisible()) {
// formField.$mandatory
// .cssTop(top)
// .cssLeft(left);
left += this.mandatoryIndicatorWidth + formField.$mandatory.cssMarginX();//formField.$mandatory.outerWidth(true);
if (this._isStatusVisible()) {
// If both status and label position is "top", pull status up (without margin on the right side)
if (formField.statusPosition === scout.FormField.StatusPosition.TOP && labelHasFieldWidth) {
var statusHeight = 32;//$status, {
// useCssSize: true
// }).height;
// Vertically center status with label
var statusTop = + formField.$label.cssPaddingTop() + (formField.$label.height() / 2) - (statusHeight / 2);
// formField.$status
// .cssTop(statusTop)
// .cssRight(right + formField.$label.cssMarginRight())
// .cssHeight(statusHeight)
// .cssLineHeight(null);
// Add padding to label to prevent overlay of text and status icon
var w =$status, true).width;
// formField.$label.cssPaddingRight(w);
} else {
// Default status position
// formField.$status
// .cssTop(top)
// .cssRight(right)
// .cssHeight(this.rowHeight)
// .cssLineHeight(this.rowHeight);
right += statusWidth + formField.$status.cssMarginX();
if (formField.$fieldContainer) {
// Calculate the additional field offset (because of label, mandatory indicator etc.) without the containerInset.
fieldOffset = new scout.Insets(
top -,
right - containerPadding.right,
bottom - containerPadding.bottom,
left - containerPadding.left);
// Calculate field size: "available size" - "insets (border and padding)" - "additional offset" - "field's margin"
var fieldMargins =$fieldContainer);
fieldSize = htmlContainer.availableSize({
exact: true
fieldBounds = new scout.Rectangle(left, top, fieldSize.width, fieldSize.height);
if (formField.$fieldContainer.css('position') !== 'absolute') {
fieldBounds.x = 0;
fieldBounds.y = 0;
htmlField = scout.HtmlComponent.optGet(formField.$fieldContainer);
if (htmlField) {
// htmlField.setBounds(fieldBounds);
} else {
//$fieldContainer, fieldBounds);
// formField.$field.toggleClass('compact', fieldBounds.width <= scout.FormFieldLayout.MIN_FIELD_WIDTH);
// formField.$container.toggleClass('compact', fieldBounds.width <= scout.FormFieldLayout.MIN_FIELD_WIDTH);
if (labelHasFieldWidth) {
var fieldWidth = fieldSize.add(fieldMargins).width - formField.$label.cssMarginX();
if (formField.$mandatory && formField.$mandatory.isVisible()) {
fieldWidth += formField.$mandatory.outerWidth(true);
// formField.$label.cssWidth(fieldWidth);
if (formField.$fieldContainer) {
// Icons are placed inside the field (as overlay)
var $iconInput = this._$elementForIconLayout(formField);
var fieldBorder =$iconInput);
var inputBounds =$iconInput);
top +=;
right += fieldBorder.right;
fieldBounds.x += fieldBorder.left;
fieldBounds.y +=;
fieldBounds.height = inputBounds.height - - fieldBorder.bottom;
fieldBounds.width = inputBounds.width - fieldBorder.left - fieldBorder.right;
if (formField.$icon) {
this._layoutIcon(formField, fieldBounds, right, top);
// Clear icon if present
if (formField.$clearIcon) {
this._layoutClearIcon(formField, fieldBounds, right, top);
// Make sure tooltip is at correct position after layouting, if there is one
if (tooltip && formField.rendered) {
// Check for scrollbars, update them if necessary
if (formField.$field) {
scout.FormFieldLayout.prototype._layoutDisabledCopyOverlay = function() {
if (this.formField.$field && this.formField.$disabledCopyOverlay) {
var $overlay = this.formField.$disabledCopyOverlay;
var $field = this.formField.$field;
var pos = $field.position();
var padding =$field, {
includePadding: true
// subtract scrollbars sizes from width and height so overlay does not block scrollbars
// we read the size from the scrollbar from our device, because we already determined
// it on startup. Only do this when element is scrollable.
var elem = $field[0];
var overflowX = $field.css('overflow-x');
var overflowY = $field.css('overflow-y');
var scrollHorizontal = overflowX === 'scroll' || overflowX === 'auto' && (elem.scrollWidth - elem.clientWidth) > 0;
var scrollVertical = overflowY === 'scroll' || overflowY === 'auto' && (elem.scrollHeight - elem.clientHeight) > 0;
var scrollbarSize = scout.device.scrollbarWidth;
// $overlay
// .css('top',
// .css('left', pos.left)
// .width($field.width() + padding.horizontal() - (scrollVertical ? scrollbarSize : 0))
// .height($field.height() + padding.vertical() - (scrollHorizontal ? scrollbarSize : 0));
scout.FormFieldLayout.prototype._isLabelVisible = function() {
return !!this.formField.$label && this.formField.labelVisible;
scout.FormFieldLayout.prototype._isStatusVisible = function() {
return !!this.formField.$status && (this.formField.statusVisible || this.formField.$status.isVisible());
scout.FormFieldLayout.prototype.preferredLayoutSize = function($container, options) {
var htmlContainer = scout.HtmlComponent.get(this.formField.$container);
var formField = this.formField;
var prefSizeLabel = new scout.Dimension();
var prefSizeMandatory = new scout.Dimension();
var prefSizeStatus = new scout.Dimension();
var prefSizeField = new scout.Dimension();
var widthHint = scout.nvl(options.widthHint, 0);
var heightHint = scout.nvl(options.heightHint, 0);
// Status is only pulled up if status AND label are on top
var statusOnTop = formField.statusPosition === scout.FormField.StatusPosition.TOP && this._isLabelVisible() && formField.labelPosition === scout.FormField.LabelPosition.TOP;
// Calculate the preferred sizes of the individual parts
// Mandatory indicator
if (formField.$mandatory && formField.$mandatory.isVisible()) {
prefSizeMandatory.width = this.mandatoryIndicatorWidth + formField.$mandatory.cssMarginX();
widthHint -= prefSizeMandatory.width;
// Label
if (this._isLabelVisible()) {
prefSizeLabel.width = this.labelWidth() + formField.$label.cssMarginX();
prefSizeLabel.height = this.rowHeight;
if (formField.labelPosition === scout.FormField.LabelPosition.TOP) {
// Label is always as width as the field if it is on top
prefSizeLabel.width = 0;
prefSizeLabel.height =$label, true).height;
} else if (formField.labelWidthInPixel === scout.FormField.LabelWidth.UI || formField.labelUseUiWidth) {
if (formField.$label.hasClass('empty')) {
prefSizeLabel.width = 0;
} else {
prefSizeLabel =$label, true);
if (scout.isOneOf(formField.labelPosition, scout.FormField.LabelPosition.DEFAULT, scout.FormField.LabelPosition.LEFT)) {
widthHint -= prefSizeLabel.width;
} else if (formField.labelPosition === scout.FormField.LabelPosition.TOP) {
heightHint -= prefSizeLabel.height;
// Status
if (this._isStatusVisible()) {
prefSizeStatus.width = this.statusWidth + formField.$status.cssMarginX();
if (!statusOnTop) {
prefSizeStatus.height = this.rowHeight;
widthHint -= prefSizeStatus.width;
// Field
if (formField.$fieldContainer) {
var fieldMargins =$fieldContainer);
var htmlField = scout.HtmlComponent.optGet(formField.$fieldContainer);
if (!htmlField) {
widthHint -= fieldMargins.horizontal();
heightHint -= fieldMargins.vertical();
if (options.widthHint) {
options.widthHint = widthHint;
if (options.heightHint) {
options.heightHint = heightHint;
if (htmlField) {
prefSizeField = htmlField.prefSize(options)
} else {
prefSizeField =$fieldContainer, options)
// Now sum up to calculate the preferred size of the container
var prefSize = new scout.Dimension();
// Field is the base, and it should be at least as height as a form row height.
prefSize.width = prefSizeField.width;
prefSize.height = prefSizeField.height;
// Mandatory
prefSize.width += prefSizeMandatory.width;
prefSize.height = Math.max(prefSize.height, prefSizeMandatory.height);
// Label
if (scout.isOneOf(formField.labelPosition, scout.FormField.LabelPosition.DEFAULT, scout.FormField.LabelPosition.LEFT)) {
prefSize.width += prefSizeLabel.width;
prefSize.height = Math.max(prefSize.height, prefSizeLabel.height);
} else if (formField.labelPosition === scout.FormField.LabelPosition.TOP) {
prefSize.width = Math.max(prefSize.width, prefSizeLabel.width);
prefSize.height += prefSizeLabel.height;
// Status
if (!statusOnTop) {
prefSize.width += prefSizeStatus.width;
prefSize.height = Math.max(prefSize.height, prefSizeStatus.height);
// Add padding and border
prefSize = prefSize.add(htmlContainer.insets());
return prefSize;
* @returns the input element used to position the icon. May be overridden if another element than $field should be used.
scout.FormFieldLayout.prototype._$elementForIconLayout = function() {
return this.formField.$field;
scout.FormFieldLayout.prototype._layoutIcon = function(formField, fieldBounds, right, top) {
var height = this.rowHeight;
if (fieldBounds) {
// If field is bigger than rowHeight (e.g. if used in desktop cell editor), make sure icon is as height as field
height = fieldBounds.height;
scout.FormFieldLayout.prototype._layoutClearIcon = function(formField, fieldBounds, right, top) {
var height = this.rowHeight;
if (fieldBounds) {
// If field is bigger than rowHeight (e.g. if used in desktop cell editor), make sure icon is as height as field
height = fieldBounds.height;
if (formField instanceof scout.BasicField && formField.gridData.horizontalAlignment > 0) {
} else {
scout.FormFieldLayout.prototype.labelWidth = function() {
// use configured label width in pixel or default label width
if (scout.FormField.LabelWidth.DEFAULT === this.formField.labelWidthInPixel) {
return scout.HtmlEnvironment.fieldLabelWidth;
return this.formField.labelWidthInPixel;